Category: Brandwidth

  • Sunfeast Farmlite says ‘Homework is Healthy Fun’

    I was browsing through the Farmlite Bytes Film Festival you-tube videos to write for Sunfeast – Health is Fun with Farmlite. They have quite a campaign going on where they are saying that being healthy need not be a herculean task. They’ve covered a wide spectrum right from maid woes to a couple on toes, dancing…

  • The Time Of My Life- All White In RADO

    Call me old-fashioned, but I like things as they are designed to be. A wrist watch for instance should be just that. A watch. Not a tele-porting device, unless I am in a rehashed Star Trek remake down South. And yes, I would gladly flaunt it like an accessory, and no I don’t want it…

  • The Finish – The Black Dog Chronicles

    Ah, I come to the end of my journey with Black Dog Whisky. I have learned a lot more than when I started out. It’s been fun to know the tiny details that go into the making of my Dad’s favourite drink. Over this one month, I have exchanged so many notes with him. I…

  • Easy Evenings II – The Black Dog Chronicles

    Easy evenings with Black Dog Whisky. What could they possibly hold? How could they make an evening easier, if at all? Is it because you can drown in its golden hues and not recollect how hard the day has been. Or is it because it promises to be your solace when you are but by…

  • Easy Evenings – The Black Dog Chronicles

      We love house parties ever since Mumbai’s night life has constructively been destroyed. The gang, consisting of the hubby boy’s childhood friends, simply comes over, we order in (I don’t cook, remember?) and we just have a good time. Black Dog is an integral part of all those celebrations. Well, they have graduated from…

  • Bottle Art – The Black Dog Chronicles

    Whisky is good for the memories, daddy has told me that a zillion times. And I have come to agree. He and I have had some of the best conversations over a bottle of Black Dog Scotch. He enjoys his drink, I enjoy his company. But then you know how it is. Familiarity breeds contempt.…

  • Quick Fix – The Black Dog Chronicles

    If you have been following my Black Dog Chronicles, you’d know about my Chakna fiasco. Oh, well, I am a fast learner and I knew that drinks are always meant to be served with accompaniments. And particularly those that bring out the flavours of the tasting notes. Yes, I had been well-informed, and by the best. But…

  • Let the World Wait – The Black Dog Chronicles

    Ah, the same ol’ story continues You wake, you run, you work Dreams are hidden somewhere To be fulfilled someday The time is almost never right There is too much to always do Perhaps, you are not ready either Then again, life is such And thus the years go by Black turns to grey eventually…

  • Twelve, No less – The Black Dog Chronicles

    Hues of amber, golden delights Lead the heart to where it may go Let imagination take the flight T’is a magic potion to him who knows Handcrafted from robust malts Throw in the mellow woods In the gardens of aroma, halt Take a deep breath, you should Blend in the sherry, will you? As the…

  • The Backstory – The Black Dog Chronicles

    One extraordinary gentleman set out to discover the perfect blend of Scotch whisky, 130 years ago. The year was 1883 and the man, Sir Walter Millard. The Speyside region of Scotland is where his journey took him. He chanced upon the home of the MacKinlay’s, in Leith Edinburgh. And as luck would have it, they were known as ‘Scotch whisky…