This post is a part of both, Wandering Wednesday Series & The A-Z Challenge – April 2013
My Wandering Wednesday Series are dedicated to the flight of my imagination now and then, captured by my camera lens. And then, favourite songs and movies simply fill in the gaps for the right captions! I try to give you the backstory of the picture too. Perhaps you may see a tale hidden there. Check the previous posts here. 

To quote Confucius, “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” We all learn by what we observe and emulate. Life is too short to do it all by yourself. Sometimes, you take the shorter route and apply someone else’s principles or experiences. Good or bad, they stem from what you have observed them to do for the other person. And then again, not everyone with sight is said to have vision. Do you have what it takes to see it like it is?

This picture is that of the flower girl at a family wedding. Oblivious to all those who had their eyes on her, she set out to discover her own horizons. The sand was her playground, the strewn petals, her playmates and the carpet, her maze.  

 Disclaimer : All pictures belong to the author and may not be used in any form.  



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35 thoughts on “O outlines OBSERVATION

  1. Its a beautiful picture. Of course who observes better than children, the paint their vast canvases by the flight of their imagination based on their observations 🙂

  2. Well said! they say, if you make listening and observation your occupation you will gain much more than you can by talk…
    Simply fabulous pic and lovely words too!

  3. Pingback: O offers OPULENCE

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