My Wandering Wednesday Series are dedicated to the flight of my imagination now and then, captured by my camera lens. And then, songs and movies simply fill in the gaps for the right captions! I try to give you the back story of the picture too. Perhaps you may see a tale hidden there. Check the previous posts here.

A happy place is where you can go every now and then. YouΒ reminisce, recall, release and rejuvenate. We all have that special somewhere to return to, always. For me it is always in the arms of nature and near a water body. I feel, I was born to be a mermaid at times. And then I am woken up to reality when the phone alarm goes off and says, ‘Wednesday, time to post’.

This picture was taken on my trip to Singapore this April at the Botanic Gardens. A must visit for every nature enthusiast. This picture does not do justice to the sounds and visuals of nature. You will need the mind’s eye to capture it forever.

Disclaimer : All pictures belong to the author and may not be used in any form.Β Β 



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23 thoughts on “Secret Garden

  1. Excellent capture of the beautiful colors. My sanctuary is nature as well beside a water body and I have mentioned a lot many times to my friends that ‘I was a mermaid in past life’. High five on that one! πŸ˜€

    Nice post!

  2. and I thought this was some Nancy’s secret garden type post ! πŸ˜›

    lol jokes apart… that place does seem such a wonderful place to sit and reflect or just do nothing… sigh…

  3. Wow! What I wouldn’t give to spend an hour alone there! Beautiful picture and two of my childhood favorites – Sound of Music and Secret Garden (the book in this case).

  4. Such a beautiful capture… I loved the pic and your description. How wonderful it would be to spend some time on that lonely little bench… sigh!

  5. Aaahhh this is so beautiful. When I feel very much at peace with the world , I often dream of a serene garden. This tranquil space just resembles that πŸ™‚

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