Tag: #AtoZChallenge

  • Z zips Zaps Zooms

    And we have come to the end of the challenge and sadly my vacation too. But save the best for last they say. And right enough, as we were sitting in the airplane, ready for take off, guess who went before us? An Airbus 320 especially painted black with a Formula 1 Car on its…

  • Y yells YAS

    YAS Island  = IKEA  + Ferrari World. Need I say more Yas Island is a man-made island situated on the outskirts of Abu Dhabi. It currently hosts IKEA, Ferrari World, Waterworld and Yas Marina circuit. That I am an IKEA fan is known, and the kiddo wanted to have a go at the rides, so YAS…

  • X x-rays XTRA

    Oh well, I am taking advantage of the creative license out here. Sue me! But have you tried packing everything you’ve ever shopped into two measly suitcases? What with the airlines cracking done heavily on extra weight, I was caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. Sigh, to shop or to not shop.…

  • W whirrs WHEELS

    The one thing that you just cannot miss on the roads of the UAE are the sets of wheels that pass you by. Back home, we’d probably see them once in a blue moon, but here they are like the average Joe. Every minute you have a big guy that just drives by. Benefits of…

  • V visualizes VIEWS

    These pictures were clicked during our Abra ride. One ride, various views and multiple experiences. While on one hand, the  afternoon sun bounced off the glass facade of a building and set the waters shimmering; on the other the reflection of our little boat party broke into many pieces of the window pane grid. We were…

  • U underlines UNUSUAL

    Apart from having a wonderful break, a vacation does tend to throw in some googlies, too. Fortunately for me, I was almost, always camera ready. And so here is a pictorial version on my unusual findings on this trip to the UAE. I saw this ad and somehow the sequence did not make sense to…

  • T thrills Tiara

    So we happened to visit this revolving restaurant on the corniche by the Marina Mall, that goes by the name TIARA. Needless to say the young lady was very thrilled. She cut one of her birthday cakes there with the staff singing for added measure. They were super thrilled that a TIARA had visited them. The…

  • S savors SHOPS

    Women and shopping go hand in hand. I love it too, but only places where I can bargain. High end shopping is not my style. What I do enjoy though is the outlook, especially the window displays. I am intrigued by the effort taken to lure a shopper. It is like a web, you know.…

  • R reassesses ROUND

    When I say round, what things come to your mind? A ring? A ball, perhaps? A hula hoop or a disc? A CD,  a watch dial, a coin, a burger………….the possibilities are endless. How about a round building? Yes, you read correctly. Have you ever seen one? And I don’t mean towers in a circle. I…

  • Q qualifies QUOTES

    I love collecting quotes! And then using them at my free will. I have quite a few favorites, and they are synonymous with my personality. Quotes can turn a rainy day inside out. They can even turn a frown upside down. Sometimes, they carry a world of wisdom, at other times they ease you up.…