Who Me?

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BlogwatiG is my alter ego! She says everything she has on her mind and otherwise. I’d like to say she is well behaved, but nah can’t take that risk. More often than not, she suffers from ‘foot in the mouth syndrome’ and hence has a number of shoes she doesn’t really use! But then again, she is quite the sentimental fool really, and hence have to keep a check on her now and then. She loves adulation and thrives on compliments in print, so that she can show off to the lesser mortals back home. She hates the kitchen but loves to cook stories. So come in and savour the new word recipe, perhaps you might want to have a bite.

And oh, she moonlights as a freelance content and copywriter too. That, when she is not saving the world from the clutches of plagiarists, and their likes. If you’d like to connect, mail her at blogwati@gmail.com

God Speed.

*End of Statutory Warning*

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