I wrote the title and then sat back and stared at the screen. It seemed apt, but how was I to ever summarize all that my parents had taught me in one post? I am what they call a cocktail, a heady one at that. Born to a Punjabi father and a Catholic mother, my sister and I virtually had the dual advantage. We lived in a one room kitchen, but it was the finest one on the street. Mom had a keen sense of design and colour, not to mention the economics. She’d shop off season, when things were cheaper and insisted on homemade stuff right from soap to ketchup. Dad on the other hand was pretty hands on right from fixing the television to renewing the walls. Every Christmas we had new wall paper thanks to our parents’ ingenious idea. Dad would shop for rolls of wrapping paper from Crawford market (as that was cheaper) and Mom made glue made out of wheat flour and voila, we had new walls.
My sister and I, thus, had a modest upbringing. We never had surplus, but always had enough. We went from ration queues to water woes and ‘hand me downs’ from cousins to borrowed outfits from friends, all in good time. Perhaps, this was the reason why we were and still continue to be so grounded, for our self- esteem wasn’t built on the tangible. We were taught to be creative in adversity and that is one of the greatest lessons we have ever learnt.
Every part of my childhood home reflected use of space due to the lack of it! Unlike the present day designer homes, it had special touches that only a family can add. Dad was a part of the film industry and I remember one day he brought home a life-size candle that was a damaged prop really. We gathered round it as though it had been unearthed from the Arabian folktales. Coats of oil paint, a bit of wiring, a dash of carpentry accented with bright yellow cellophane paper for the flame and ta da, we had a designer lamp with an inbuilt altar. I’ve lost count of the number of admirable glances that ‘not so tiny’ prop managed with every guest visit.
Almost everything in our house was second hand, our car, refrigerator, TV, AC, cupboard, even our sofas. Dad’s logic was, “Why spend on 1 item when you can have 3 for the same value?” Dad loved his car and every morning he’d proceed to wash it himself. That one hour was an equivalent to the non-existent gymming back then. The use of the AC exclusively in summers had a well rehearsed ritual. Dad would cover the windows with bed sheets for that extra cooling effect and then proceed to keep the AC on for 30 mins only. Once the room was cool enough, he’d then switch on the fan. By another 30 mins, we were accustomed to room temperature, but were ‘mentally’ in an AC room. Mammoth electricity bills were unheard of! The B/W TV almost had a will of its own. Every Saturday, just before the 6 pm Hindi movie, it would start showing temperamental blurry lines. Dad would rush to the terrace to fix the antenna and I’d be yelling from the 2ndfloor, guiding him when to stop the wrestling for a clear picture. After a bit of cajoling, the TV set would finally oblige, just in time to see the Doordarshan Logo form..
Mom on the other hand, prepared for Diwali and Christmas in July! (Yes, you read me right). She’d pick for bargains on materials, and then hire a tailor who’d come and stitch at home for Rs 80/- per day. Patterns were picked from magazines loaned from the local raddiwala and we had outfits like no one else. Old sarees were made into identical frocks for us siblings and the leftovers were tailored as table cloths. Yes, we were the residential ‘Wagle ki Duniya’ brand ambassadors. She also was an excellent cook, so leftovers would almost be transformed into another delectable cuisine which we would unwittingly gulp down. Even in the space restriction, she managed to have a balcony garden with flowering pots. These flowers would then adorn the vases as apt table décor for family get-togethers. She’d buy a bale of cotton material and stitch them into curtains using our old bangles as curtain holders, stating that it was effective easy maintenance. In short, whatever Dad earned, my Mom managed to spend sufficiently and still save wisely.
I remember nothing was thrown out of our home. It was always recycled! Either it got a fresh coat of paint or was carpentered into something new. Thus the creaking cupboard became the shoe rack; the old door became my study table while the sofas were traded for a sofa cum bed. The surplus, if any, was given to needy families around that included the dhobi, the sabjiwala, the neighbour’s maid and the fisherwoman. Anyone who came to our home never left without something to eat or drink. We had a ‘Dada’ who came all the way from Ulhasnagar to sell Sindhi sweetmeats. The fisherwoman ‘Aruna’ who really was a girl of 10, visited our home till she became a mother of two. Those were the good ol’ days and my parents taught me the best way they could, by living the example! Simplicity reigned supreme and bringing up a child was no rocket science that needed aids of hobby classes and activity clubs.
Today I see modern day parents ‘talking the talk’, but ask them to ‘do the walk’ and they need a drive. Eventually in this rigmarole they miss the bus! I struggle sometimes myself, but then again genetic engineering does have its way of resurfacing. I really am a chip of the old block and hence as a force of habit, even today I ask the courier or delivery guy if he wants a glass of water. I used to be met with skeptical looks earlier, now they ask me even before I can offer them. I am always looking for off season bargains and insist on attempting to fix things myself before I call for ‘professional help’. Though the second hand concept is almost extinct in upper middle class homes today, I still prefer to scout flea markets rather than walk to a branded store. Recently I was renovating my home. What with all the accessories so easily available in the market, I was spoilt for choice. Yet, somehow I was not feeling house proud. That is when I decided to do a mural for my living room. And when I was done, I seemed to glow like a ‘larger than life candle’, with the appreciation and accolades that followed.
Psst…the bench you see is made from my former main door, the flowers, leaves and tea lights have been purchased. |
I know one thing for sure, being creative economically does not mean just because you can’t afford it, but it means what you can turn your resources into. You are being watched far closely than you think by little minds and these tiny little moments are what you will leave behind as a legacy. I know I definitely cherish mine and hopefully can pass on the pearls of wisdom to my daughter….
Thanks Ash, I enjoyed writing it! I’m in a very happy place right now 🙂
Bee…..gratitude from deep within my heart:)
@Johnnyboy…..those were some awesome days now weren’t they?
@Rajrupa…Merci Beaucoup!
@Bhavana….gee, such appreciation makes me want to better my best. Gald you liked it 🙂
Absolutely loved the mural on your wall, even on your cover page on FB 🙂 agree with you on all points there, it is all in the thought, and brands!! uff!! a lady after my own heart in a lot of ways
@PNA…..hugs 🙂 and thank you so much for seeing it the way it was written.
What an absolutely wonderful post! Really enjoyed reading it, and yes, being thrifty is always a good habit … no matter how much we have. 🙂
blogwati gee…i m loving it!couldn’t wait to finish reading n i confess i have commented even before i m done with your page butttt i simply had to tell you that i am loving it!
Awesome…….. was able to relate to every sentence you wrote.
Had the chance to meet your lovely parents.
Loved it! Absolutely wonderful
One hell of a talent that you are girl!!
Whattay shame I waste so many resources at my home 😐 I better learn some lessons…or at least behave a bit better and respect what I have.
ok where do I start? First–WOW! What a mural! Next, what a story–sounded a bit like reading an Indian version of Little Women…perfect setting, character development, visual imagery. Class!!! Loved it!
And finally, the message. Ok, I heard that. I need to embody it!
what an awesome post!! 🙂
Brilliant!! Enjoyed reading this post.
First of all, being frugal is not being cheap! We Indians often confuse showbaazi with class! What an excellent mural, my compliments. And, I also tend to look for bargains. Why pay more when you can get the same at discount :). Jai ho snapdeal, shoppers stop sale, flipkart etc. Great lesson for our kids. I am not so good at making things with my hands, but my husband loves to recycle and make new things out of old. It is environmentally friendly too. I loved the “walk the talk” message.
Short on money but never short of happy memories….
Money doesn’t buy happiness yet we continue to sacrifice our happiness for it’s sake. Ironic isn’t it?
What a wonderful post! Will plug it on Twitter.
@Imperfectionist, @Deodita & @Rohu, It makes me happy to see that it brought a smile to your faces 🙂
@Chintan…blush, blush…well I was raised well, as you can see. And yup, I’m sure you will do a swell job of bringing about a positive change.
@Rachna, I love being cheap too! It gives another high altogether…lol. But yes, this post was a definitive ode to ‘who I am’ thanks to a great set of parents.
@C.Nemazie …..thank you, I feel honoured that you think so. Coming from you, it sure is a HUGE compliment.
@The Solitary Writer…I hear you and because I understand….thank you from the bottom of my heart.
@Purba..I couldn’t have said it better. I just hope we manage an iota of what our parents did for us, I think our kids will turn out ok. Thank you for your support as usual 🙂
@subhorup dasgupta…the views and reactions for this post have just proved a point, our beliefs are deep rooted. They just need to branch out in the right manner for the future generations. 🙂
Such a beautiful glimpse into Indian culture for us ‘stifled’ Americans. Thank you!!
Life of a typical middle class Indian family in Mumbai.I admire your parents and seriously there is lots of things which can be learned from your family. I see a glimpse of my father here and there in this post.You don’t know how much I loved this.Thank you!!!
@Guru Uncle, sure gonna take your advice and act on it soon 🙂 Your encouragement as usual means the world to me.
@Bruce, glad to be of service 🙂
you had me nodding my head in agreement right through the post. ball point pens with refills, shoes that you repair if they break or tear, the list is endless. and as you pointed out, the talk is no good if not accompanied by the walk, since the kids will learn from the walk and not the talk. it is not like one cannot have a good quality of life without being extravagant. to a very great extent, i feel that the media is responsible for equating quality of life with material overconsumption. i feel bloggers like you are performing the very important task of countering popular notions which end up being harmful. loved the read.
Blogwati, I think you are ready to write a book on Value Based Parenting. Your style of writing makes it an easily delectable read.
I liked “we never had surplus but always had ENOUGH” It is accepting ‘enough’that makes life a love-able journey.
And yes, the advice, ‘be creative in adversity’ How true?
Sure, you will not regret accepting my advice to start writing the book. Come on, hurry up!
Just wonderful, Vinita. As a former banker id say, u were right there with most of the economics.
Your blog also did take me back to a lot of my growing up memories and a heartfull thanks to you for that.
Loved your post! Truly, values like frugality and inspired creativity just not cherished in the present generation. I am also like-minded! Your mural is indeed lovely!
this was a delight to read! It’s amazing how tiny and small things can be transformed into something better. Unknowingly you set an example for the others.. The photo is AMAZING..
Gosh I loved this 😀
Wonderful and totally awesome post darling. And yes Nostalgic!!!! Just like my growing up days but somewhere the 2000’s changed the way we lived! Its always nice to go back to simplicity…it never fails. Loved it Blogwati, simply love the way to put things!!! Keep it up!! mwuah!!!
That mural looks amazing BG!Reminded me of my dad.Once a co-passenger during a train journey, walked away with one of his new shoes and he refused to get another pair.Black hee toh hain he said and continued using the odd pair!! Latest,he repaired my fan regulator temporarily with a toothpaste cap!
Inspiring post this..
@Chatty Wren…so agree with you, but then again we are to be blamed somewhere, no?
@Confused soul….. every time I look at the tree, it kinda takes me back to my childhood and I love it….it is my happy place 🙂
@Minal….so identify with all that you say Minal….we were a lucky lot weren’t we…Mwah right back 🙂
@Sharmila…..hmmm all Dads are rock stars now aren’t they? Toothpaste cap, yup I saw that in my head the moment you said it!
@jyothismusings….true that….and thank you and everyone else for the compliments for the mural….it makes me feel super 🙂
A very lovely read indeed. The Mural is amazing. The values and traditions that our parents instilled in us is something that will remain with us always. Actually it makes us what we are today. 🙂
What a great legacy your parents have left…in the simplicity of little pleasures you have experienced a glimpse of heaven. Loving respect for others, grateful appreciation for each of life’s blessing and a beautiful zest to make the best of everything has given you a beautiful perspective and a magnanimous heart.
Many thanks for sharing & many blessings to you & your family!
Blogwati jee, it was a very intimate account of your upbringing yet it represented and stood for a much larger section of the society…
I don’t know why the world doesn’t give us the credit of “recycling”…haven’t they seen how we use the plastic bags and spoons in our houses! 😀
honest! loved it!
The kind of childhood we had I so wish we can give even 25% of it to our kids.. they will be lucky
@Raj Mudaliar …yes I believe I was raised by a great set of parents. Thank you for your wishes 🙂
@prateek mathur The very fact that this note connected with so many across the length and breadth of the virtual world only proves a point, those were the good ol’ days truly!
@tripti Thanks for dropping by 🙂
@Delhizen I hope we can becasue if we can’t then we are failing them!
@Blahblaholic You made me sound like a relic but then again the appreciation for the mural made it worth it. 🙂 Danke!
Wow, this is the first time I’ve read about such an amount of creativity and recycling and what not, amazing this is. 😀
And , I simply LOVE your mural, it is fan-freaking-tastic, louu it. 😀
@Tales of her and by her.
@Teenage Babblings
The mural is lovely and the post was a delight. It reminded me of my own childhood. We had somewhat a similar childhood except that our house was a little bigger and I grew up in a joint family.
After our enlightening conversation ek blog visit to banta hi tha !
Jokes apart am glad I discovered another great blog … real creativity is using the resources you have in your hand and coming up with something spectacular out of it ! I love the Mural is amazing !
wow! You reminded me of my old and golden days of using what is just enough and making ourselves available to such creativity.Today, I miss many of that creativity and again after reading your post, Well, I think it is time to rejuvenate them
Days were when economical living was a virtue and waste was considered a sin. I am hopeless with turning things into works of art, but I do make it a point not to waste anything and am none the worse for it. The kids have learnt it too. The mural is awesome and you write wonderfully well. 🙂
@Lazy Pineapple…yup we as a generation pretty much come from the same background and hence, the thought 🙂
@Ruchira…woh toh hai and thank you for dropping by. Just about to return the favour 🙂
@Uma…I’ll say Amen to that!
@Zephyr…a compliment from you has done wonders to both my blog and my morale…..thank you 🙂
I want to tell you one thing you already know. Your Mom is a LEGEND. And her greatest achievement was not just reusing the resources productively, but to pass on the talent to you. I am sure you will pass it on to the next generation because attributes like these are too good to be hereditary.
@ Anita…I hope and pray that I manage to do just that.
I have to thank Dagny for ensuring that I didn’t miss this post. How warm and homey this was, just like a comfy muffler knit by a mom!
I have never met your daughter but I can confidently see her growing up into a bright andupright woman, inheriting the values of her bright and upright parents and grandparents.
Truly, one of your most beautiful posts, Vini.
Thanks, Rickie. Yes, this post is quite the sunshine one for me too. It embodies my life in a nutshell, the one that I am proud to have lived. I couldn’t have asked for anything more 🙂
One of the best posts off your pen Vini. We had a simila upbringing too. And I so wish I can do the “walk the talk” too. Thanks for sharing this 🙂
I loved the way you put it, “Today I see modern day parents ‘talking the talk’, but ask them to ‘do the walk’ and they need a drive.” True, this.
And by the way, that tree looks awesome. 🙂
Wow! That is so inspiring! Your post was such a wonderful read. Brought back memories of my childhood.