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To quote Wikipedia, etiquette derived from the French word ‘étiquette’ is a code of behavior that delineates expectations for social behavior according to contemporary conventional norms within a society, social class, or group. Yes, we all have certain rules to follow within the framework of respective obligations and occasions. You abide by these as a social being and a global citizen. You are taught to respect and adhere to laws and bindings for your own safety and that of others. ‘Rules are not necessarily sacred, principles are’, thus said Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Being a blogger, you have a few unspoken rules too. You don’t copy or plagiarize. You always credit the original source. You comment on the post, not on the person. You are free to have your opinion, don’t expect everyone else to conform to it though. So on and so forth. But what about Blogger meets that are organized by various forums? What kind of rules would govern them? Would any principles be chalked out at all?
I happened to attend my first ever blogger meet conducted by Indiblogger in association with Stayfree on May 27th 2012. The wonderful camaraderie and the gracious hosts had me wanting to come back for more. There is another meet round the corner and I could not help but make a list of do’s and don’ts for bloggers, both the newbies and the stalwarts alike.
The Big Dos
1. Do RSVP
While it is nice to reserve a seat for the meet as requested, do consider the viable option of you travelling inter-state, even if it is just for the free goodies. If for any reason, you are unable to attend after confirmation and are in a position to cancel, do so. Considering the limited seats, someone else could attend from the backyard.
2. Do be punctual.
Nothing is more distracting than people trailing in while someone is speaking. Not only is it an eye sore, it also is quite a pain to make a mental note of who the late comerswere and what were they wearing. And then, the additional task to avoid them just in case they want to compare notes on what they missed. Do everyone a favour, take that bus/train/auto/cab 30 minutes earlier than planned. The traffic won’t haunt you, I promise.
3. Do participate.
The fact that you’ve taken time out from your otherwise mundane life to be at the event speaks volumes. Participate in discussions and debates. No one is going to throw you a red carpet with a floral shower for added effect. You want to be noticed, make yourself heard, albeit, in a nice way. A dead pan expression makes for horrible photos.
It is worse if you are tagged on Facebook. Remember to smile, you are on camera.
4. Do be relevant.
It would be nice to read up a bit on the subject if you wish to make an impression. On the whole, keep your head in the game and be interactive. Look out for opportunities to ask questions that further the discussion or add a dimension. Don’t get carried away while making candid confessions. Not every one wants to know what you did last summer. Also do try not to wrestle the mic.
The Bigger Don’ts
1. Don’t be a pile on!
How often have you been asked by guests if they could just bring in their sibling, far off relative, new neighbor or their adorable dog along for a cosy get-together? Remember how you couldn’t wriggle out of it due to sheer politeness? Well, here too, even though it is a sponsored event and you are entering in free (for simply being an esteemed blogger on a site) somebody is paying for it! Irrespective of the brand budgets or the money the forum is making (which is none of your business really), if every member walks in with an ‘unregistered guest’, the logistics go for a toss. Be gracious, just carry yourself! Unless it specifies that you can tag a ‘guest’ along.
2. Don’t speak.
As much as we all live in a communicative world, talking among yourselves while the speaker is trying to drive home a point about a product or a service is a strict no- no. You’ve come here for a product associated event and are going to take home freebies at the end. They jolly well deserve your undivided attention. Don’t treat this like a kitty party or a boy’s night out.
3.Don’t cell yourself.
As much as you have the most happening ringer tunes and yes, your calls are really important, spare the others your musical choices. Even more, don’t subject them to listen in to your conversations. Lift your backside along with the rest of you, excuse yourself, go out and attend that all too important call. Better still; keep the phone on silent if you can find that option on your swanky handset.
4.Don’t forget to say thank-you.
Each and every event requires a great deal of planning and an even greater effort in execution. Respect that. While you grace the occasion with your presence, there are others who have not had the time to even check their appearance before heading to the venue. If you have any feedback, good or bad, present it in a non-biased way. A mail perhaps would be a better idea so that any shortcomings can be worked on. Appreciation goes a long way in boosting morale. Give it generously. If you have promised to blog, donate, volunteer or offered any other form of assistance, keep your word. Chances are you will always be welcome.
Now you may find me pompous (I don’t really care!) or you may be biting your finger nails in nervousness (Did she have to write this now?). Either ways, if you can take this post with a pinch of salt, add the tequila and borrow the lime, I think you have a good ‘shot’ at being a blogger with substance.
Blogger meet etiquette, someone had to pen it down because I did not find it on Google!
Mrids you are gracious enough. Many will read, they will know it is about them and will still continue life the way it is. Change ka C bhi unhe gavara nahin 🙂
Actually, the definition of etiquette can be simplified to ‘place yourself in someone else’s shoes and behave’. What will bite you will bite others too. Be human and you will automatically know the do’s and dont’s but alas, world is not such a simple place. Self absorbed people take things for grantroad (a Javed Jafri’s p.j I love, see Im giving proper credit)however the most difficult part will be to accept that you need lessons.
good one. i have not had the good fortune of attending any of the larger meets, but i totally agree, especially about being punctual, rsvp’ing, and being relevant. this post should be made mandatory reading for all future meets. thanks for putting it together; now it will show up on google.
Valid points..:-)
Makes perfect sense! 🙂
Loving it… I have some more to add from experience.
1. Don’t act as if your blog is the most happening one on the planet and everyone in the room should have heard of you!
2. When you win a team game, don’t take the voucher that you got as a team prize and pretend it’s only for you!!
Subho, it really is so simple but unfortunately we always forget when someone else is at the receiving end. I do hope this post manages to ruffle all those feathers it was intended for 🙂
Yes Janu and Shilpa, it does make perfect sense and is valid too. Only if people largely had your sensibilities 🙂
Corinne, gee that I AM THE ONE attitude…..Sigh…sadly it exists everywhere. Such low self esteem people have that they need assurances now and then.
Coming to the winnings, if it is a single voucher why not cast a lot for it since it can’t be shared by all?
I agree about the low self-esteem. About the winnings, the one who took it has to initiate the discussion about how to share it, no? I’m not the keeping quiet type – I made sure she gave it to the kid in the group! 😛
Absolutely Corinne and way to go…..People can be so daft at times!
True that vishal…..fingers crossed.
Rickie, unfortunately we love to work outside the framework and then crib that systems don’t work. We need to change and how!
Glad to be of service Jinesh 🙂
I completely and totally agree. It is such a relevant post. Someone had to write it, and there is no better person than you to do the needful
Ritu, Why am I feeling like the ‘Internet Matron’ all of a sudden? 😀
Superb post, Blogwati Gee…
Indeed some insights we all must abide by… The DOs and DON’Ts will go a long way in making blogger meets more fun & productive…
I wish people would use these simple rules in other facets of their normal lives, too! 😀
Hello.nice post since this is my first IB meet and actually i was looking for some blogger meet do and donts and your post really helps me..thanks 🙂
Oh! How much I empathize with you on this! I fully agree with you.
And to add, I am glad that Corinne added those points. Group vouchers are for the whole group, not for the one who says s/he’ll distribute it somehow and doesn’t even take contact details of anyone!
🙂 well sadly i have not attended any meets
but will keep these points in mind if and when i do 🙂
Some very valid points made. I haven’t attended these meets, however, I agree that people should have the basic sense. In since commonsense is becoming so uncommon, your post will help a lot of people.
well, they are general etiquette, to be followed at any big meet!!!
Visit the following link to find a pleasant surprise waiting for you 🙂
Pretty sensible I say, not pompous at all, B Gee. Wierd, how someone has to spell out the obvious.
Everyone will nod their heads vigorously, write “I so agree” and continue doing what they do.
Blogwatiiiiii. 😀
I agree and agree and yeah, agree.
I didn’t participate a lot in the Stayfree thing coz I was/am kind of shy among new people and all of that! 😛
Oh yes, phones ringing in the middle and people moving a lot are distracting.
Thumbs up for ze post. See you on the 19th!
@Tales of her and by her.
@Teenage Babblings
Yes Sabyasachi, common sense is now deemed as luxury goods 🙂
Shootingstar, true that…and hence they need gentle reminders all the time for the simple things is what we forget to remember 🙂
Obsessivemom, sigh, you have no clue….there are times I have to exert so much control to not kill somebody 😛
Sandy, gracias…will work on that soon…promise
Purba….I so agree with that bit….I know….but still had to serve my two bits of advice.
Blahblaholic…..trust me at times you so want it to be their face and your palm…lol!
Well done! Or should it be listed? Anyhow, it’s a much needed list for many I suppose, and relevant to just about any social meetup (blogs, Flickr, instagram, twitter, MeetUp – take your pick). But, what do you do about those who refuse to take a hint?
Though I so wanted to blog on that meet as it was my first one too… honestly I couldnt find the right content for it …. it was so overwhelming and enjoyed it very much … It was amazing to meet with the fellow bloggers to finaly put a face behind great words…
it was great meeting you too … and Bravo … You wrote just the right things… with just the right taste no more salt required trust me… this can actually help someone who would be attemding the meets in future…
and I am so sad to miss the 19th meet … I came to know way too late… ohh am so gonna miss it 🙁
Hi Blogwati Gee,
Its really a timely piece to me, since we are planning to arrange a meet in the month of December in Kerala, exclusively for the Mallu Bloggers, I am sure these tips are very valuable for especially for the beginners. Can I quote or translate this into Malayalam with due credit,
Waiting to hear from you
my id pvariel at gmail dot com
Best regard
Philip Ariel
Sumit, you will always have those kinds…..I think we just have to have a louder voice to drown out their behaviour..
Awww Ritz, will miss you for the meet….hopefully we meet soon. Thanks for reading and your generous comments.
Dear Phillip,
Thank you for asking in the first place! For if you were to translate and put it up, I would have no way of knowing it was my work for lack of knowledge of Malayalam…
I am glad that this post helps in so many ways. Yes, you can re-produce this post in your regional language and do post a link back to this post.
Good Luck…
Thanks Solitary Writer….maybe I can sell this to forums like IB and Blogadda …lol 🙂
I want people to read this post of yours. Nice list of points you have mentioned and its good…unfortunately I might miss this meet although I am in Mumbai…would be travelling to Pune for work on Eid next day.. Feeling like an Americanizing Desi! 😐
Hi Blogwati,
will you pl. drop a line in
to my id,
need to clarify something.
and regards
Do not be a pile on..LOL
Sorry, I know this is a serious post but really some people just never learn.
I must say a must agree blog ~
never attended one…but planning to attend the one in MUMbai!! so this post was a sure helper!!!!
So, I did the right thing visiting your blog before my first Bloggers’ Meet, m so proud of myself 😛
Well, the article was much needed and I must thank you 🙂 Now time to know about Nokia AppTasting….