My first day in college gave me my ‘bestest’ friend, a friendship we cherish till date even over the miles. Our junior college professors were teachers in the true sense. The transition from a protected school environment to one of responsible freedom in college happened with ease. Then came the opportunity of being a senior… have to be one to know what I am talking about. Teachers who were more like friends and continue to be that till date. Any one who has seen Mam Desiree has to love advertising. Mam Mody’s passion for Economics made us think that maybe we are really missing something between the demand and supply theory. Mam Braganza and her amazing sarees………….of course Organisation of Commerce was never taught better. Somehow it’s the women folk I remember with élan, don’t ask me why!!!
In my years at Andrews we met people from all walks of life….it taught me to adapt.
We were exposed to various competitions and clubs… taught me to participate.
There were annual days, sports days and elocutions……….it taught me to take centre stage
We had mass as the beginning of every function……….it made me believe.
Met some difficult people too……….it taught me to negotiate.
We had an eclectic mix of staff and students………….I made great friends and beautiful memories.
We had teachings within an education…………….it made my life!
Would all this have been possible with an online education? I think not. Monetarily the courses could be economical. They could be worthwhile too. But the interaction within the confinement of your four walls doesn’t make for wholesome education. What I got at college wasn’t just some bookish knowledge, it was application of what we learnt. Yes, interaction and help is available online too, but I’m conventional that way.
Online courses could help those who have time constraints or need an up gradation in their work status. It definitely has it’s benefits, provided the course has due credentials. However, sitting with friends and learning (or not) has an old world charm. You have to enjoy it first hand. Rollicking in the campus, chatting in the cafeteria, debating on stage and gossiping in the restrooms, online courses do fall short there. They can’t help you build on life skills.
Maybe there will be a time where education will only be streamed live to your homes. The Television is already having edutainment as a sector. Virtual keyboards might replace the conventional paper and pen. But till such a time comes, I want to be able to hear my teacher talk about all the wondrous things I will experience in life. I want to be able to look at that cute boy and sigh. If he catches my eye, I’ll just pretend he doesn’t exist and do the happy dance in my head.
Yup the world is moving fast and there ain’t no turning back. Maybe it is like fighting a lost battle, but for now, I am happy that we can chat face to face and not just on FACEBOOK! And since I have the choice, I pick actual socializing over a favorable social platform.
Happy to write this with Blog Fest 2012.
Today’s prompt was “Do you think online college courses are worth the money?“, hosted by Toni Lynn Ferro-Cloutier
Hey Toni…great prompt. Yes, I do agree about the advaantages of online study but I’m just a tad bit old fashioned.
In fact a dear friend’s husband has gone back to college to do a course when he could opt for online.
Yup nothing beats the interaction bit.
Graphics is such a wide forum…..wish you luck. 🙂
Stu, my duaghter is 10. she doesn’t have a phone. I ensure she goes out to play for at least 2 hours in the evening. Tv and computers is limited to between 2 to 3 hours a day.
There is only so much you can do because of peer pressure, but I so think they are losing out on the finer things in life. 🙁
SOOO agree with you! You can’t beat the socializing connection in a classroom/college. Especially when you are younger.
But for a quick study with older generation such as myself, online is a great way to brush up on or learn a skill.
I would do it again if I had a GREAT recommendation from someone whose been there-done that with a college.
I would love to get into graphic designing!
I’m soo into socialising face to face as well. But how do we get our kids to learn social skills when they spend their free time with faces buried in the latest device? Content for a new book on parenting, methinks.
Great take on the prompt, but I can’t really jump on the socialization face to face being my preferred method anymore. I do see friends and family when we are both able to do that and I love it. BUT, every single day I have time to talk to and listen to my online friends. They are more accessible and more part of my everyday life than even my family.
Education is education regardless of where you obtain it and I’m seeing a world of children growing up without the freedom to just wander their neighborhoods and play, but they can wander the internet and find fun and stimulating things to do. Some of those things require they get off their bums and physically play so it’s not all sedentary play. Good or bad, I believe it’s the way of the very near future.
Kinda sad, yet kinda safe.
Back to school again…that is where the action is…not in studying alone.
Wonderful post.
Personally, I don’t have any desire to go back to the classroom setting – nice take on the topic though
Staying at a hostel gives so much more experience and I swear by it. It gives us a feel of adjusting with another person, making little sacrifices, bitter arguments, gossip, and patching up later. This is just like a pre marital course of how to live with another person under the same roof sharing and giving material stuff and emotional. If one has a difficult roomie, yes life will prepare you to put up with tougher spouses and bosses in real life. Those were the lessons I took away from my college education. Integration, differentiation and algebraic theorems came later. Online courses do not even count as real education to me. Yes it will grant us a degree if that is all we care for.
Me thinks you and I are on the same wave length!! LOL!!
I really enjoyed reading your take of traditional college vs. online college. I so whole heartedly agree with you–that there is no replacement for the interaction found in traditional schooling!!
Here was my post:
Cheers, Jenn.
Very true BG. Schools or colleges offer a lot to learn in holistic sense. Not only the textbook studies but you also learn how live life.
So much of adjustment and sacrifice does tend to build our moral characters.
Nice post BG
Both have their pros and cons. If the course is online, you’ve got to be self disciplined and motivated to extract the maximum from it and if it is face to face, your teacher has to know the subject, teach it well and have the skills to manage a large class.