Note to Self


She glanced at her reflection
The wide eyes held wonder
She picked her special toys
They were her secret getaway
She walked barefoot on the grass
The dewdrops glistened with joy
She played for hours in the sun
Tomorrow was just another day
Her family, her friends, her world
Life was perfect as she knew it
She laughed and loved more 
She gave of herself unconditionally
She had nothing she wanted
She had everything she needed


She looked beyond the mirror
T’was a long way to the destination
She gathered her belongings
A painful reminiscence of leftovers
The grass needed mowing
The dewdrops were long forgotten
Sunscreen kept the sun at bay
Tomorrow was at the mercy of today
Her family, her friends, her world
She visited virtually everyday
She was cautious and restricted
Dedication determined her success
She had everything she wanted
But the emptiness remained


She walked the path she chose
The journey was not all that bad
Her real treasures were memories
Of moments shared with loved ones
The grass was green as ever
The dewdrops fell as promised
The sun shone with brilliance
Here and now was all that mattered
She kept her world within her heart
For that’s what eventually remains
She threw caution to the wind
Her life had been her own
She wanted nothing more
She was finally home.

Happy to write this with Blog Fest 2012. 
Today’s prompt ‘Dear Past/Future Me’ was hosted by Jessie









41 responses to “Note to Self”

  1. Corinne @ Everyday Gyaan avatar
    Corinne @ Everyday Gyaan

    This is deep, sistah! Beautiful.

  2. Phoenixritu avatar

    Loved it, really introspective, sensitively written

  3. Journey of Life avatar

    Beautifully written!

  4. ♥ß∃∀υ₮iƒuL| DIs∀sⓣ∃я♥ avatar

    Wonderfully written! Enjoyed reading 🙂

  5. Roshan R avatar

    This was seriously awesome…

  6. akanksha avatar

    Brilliant! As they say, Home is where the heart is <3

  7. Ugich Konitari avatar

    Wah ! BlogwatiG, wah ! It reached right there inside ! Please to write many more….

  8. Julie Jordan Scott avatar

    This is gorgeous. I wish I had thought to use this format! :~)

  9. Rachna avatar

    Blogwati G goo job!

  10. Jo avatar

    My favorite of all your works…so far.

  11. Preetilata【ツ】 avatar

    Such a profound poem. Can’t decide which one i liked the most. All three are equally good.

  12. Nirvana avatar

    Could hug you for that! Sigh!!… beautiful!

  13. Priyanka Dey avatar

    Here’s a Biiiiigggg Hug! <3
    Home is where we are…
    Home it is!

  14. Susan ~ Today's Working Woman avatar

    Simply beautiful and amazing writing!

    Today’s Working Woman

  15. Zephyr avatar

    Life comes a full circle. Really uplifting.

  16. Bikramjit avatar

    and home is sweet home ..
    lovely writeup..


  17. Jenn avatar

    Incredible post 🙂 Wow– I so love stopping by here to read what you’ve written…this one was awesome!

    Cheers, Jenn.

  18. Blogwati Gee avatar

    Thanks Janu, Journey of Life and ♥ß∃∀υ₮iƒuL| DIs∀sⓣ∃я♥. Glad you liked what you saw 🙂

  19. Blogwati Gee avatar

    Yes Roshan, it was meant to be that way …

  20. Blogwati Gee avatar

    Because you understand…..thank you Corinne 😀

  21. Blogwati Gee avatar

    Akanksha, absolutely…..the final resting place

  22. Blogwati Gee avatar

    Coming from you Ugich… means a whole lot…..thank you 🙂

  23. Jay Singh avatar

    Quite an interesting take on past, present, future BG. (sigh) Who knows where would we be 20 years down the line.
    Lovely post 🙂
    Keep up the good work BG



  24. Suzy avatar

    Lovely, so nicely penned. Memories of moments shared with loved ones and truly treasures. Loved your take on the prompt.
    Here’s mine

  25. Blogwati Gee avatar

    Thanks Ritu… saying that….makes me feel super 🙂

  26. Blogwati Gee avatar should and write something new. I would love to read it! Thanks for dropping by..

  27. Blogwati Gee avatar

    Awwwww Jo……that was so sweet….well I like this one too!

  28. Blogwati Gee avatar

    And I love you Sharmila 🙂

  29. Blogwati Gee avatar

    Thanks Rachna 🙂

  30. Blogwati Gee avatar

    Preetilata…….like all of them….I feel good…

  31. Blogwati Gee avatar

    Nirvana….hugs right back at ya!

  32. Blogwati Gee avatar

    Priyanka……a super one coming your way too ….muah!

  33. Blogwati Gee avatar

    Thanks for reading Susan….

  34. Blogwati Gee avatar

    Zephyr…every time I see your comment….it brings a smile to my face…..hugs

  35. Blogwati Gee avatar

    Jenn and I love having you over…..keep coming back…

  36. Blogwati Gee avatar

    thank you Bikram……true that

  37. Blogwati Gee avatar

    Jay……que sera sera

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