My princess was turning 10 this year. We were done with all the girly themes, so I chose the all time fav – SURPRISE! Since we were spending her birthday with her cousins in the UAE, I started out by telling her that there would be no party. The sweetheart that she is, she immediately agreed. Step one was clear.

The biggest thing about a surprise is keeping it ssssshhhh! And try that with a bunch of talkative 10 year olds. Yes, I see you shaking your head in sympathy. Well, her birthday falls on 14th April. So 8th April, 2012 which was also Easter Sunday, was picked as the D-day. All the mommies were sent out a ‘save the date’ reminder and were earnestly asked not to let their daughters know. Unfortunately, mommies don’t listen do they? Somehow the word got out and I hit panic button.  

Damage control is easier said than done. The daughter came home asking if we were inviting people over for dinner or something. I said that I had enough on my plate and right now she should concentrate on the last leg of her assessments. She seemed convinced………….I think! Being a mommy and an enthusiastic one at that should come with a statutory warning.

The husband is equally bad at keeping secrets. One reason I think he can never have an extra marital affair! He will simply let it all out. Can you imagine I told him just a day before and he almost spilled the beans? He casually mentioned to the daughter that her friends would be coming over. I glared like a lioness and almost hissed as I said that they were coming over to study for the French test. If she noticed something amiss, she did not show it. My pressure was rising up and my patience was going down.  How can people not understand ‘Ssssssssssssssssh it’s a surprise’………………Sigh!!!!!!!!!!

Thank god for sisters who can be your true partner in crime! On Easter Sunday, she whisked the daughter away under the pretext of baking a cake. It was 12 pm. I had her girlfriends coming in at 4 pm. I swooped into my Supermom avatar. Over the week I had shopped for all that I needed whilst she was at school. My cupboard was bursting at it’s seams with all the goodies. So I came home, decorated the place and then sat to do the Easter buckets as takeaways. In keeping with the theme, I thought I would get the girls to do their own marzipan Easter eggs. Music, munchies and a game of Bingo would keep them entertained for later. Before I knew it, the clock struck 4………..
The giggly girls started pouring in. They seemed very excited and believe it or not, they had discussed the event back and forth among themselves. They however assured me that the birthday girl knew nothing of it. Well, there was just one way to find that out now. She was to arrive in about 30 mins with my mom. So I got the girls to record a video message for her before she did. We were just about done when the doorbell rang. I got all the girls huddled together and this is what happened……………our very own Miss Universe moment…

Needless to say……….turning double digits needs a memorable party, right? She had a blast, well, we all did. The daughter was super thrilled and rewarded me with the ‘best mommy in the whole world’ title. My heart went awwwwwwwww and promptly the next thing she added was…….what are you gonna do next year? 


The house all done up in her fav colours
Fairy lights make a birdcage into a delightful lamp
Simple 10 balloons across the tree mural by moi
The girls making the Easter Eggs
The Easter buckets

Happy to write this with Blog Fest 2012. 
The prompt was ‘A Party Story’, hosted by Jenn. 



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46 thoughts on “SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. Her expressions in the video are truly priceless – worth all the effort! You’re a fantastic organizer – but then you know that already!

  2. Thank you Jenn for giving such a wonderful prompt…..I did not even have to think for a minute….this was perfect.

    When you have a beautiful daughter, you want to be the perfect mom….:)

  3. Ok, that has got to be the best Miss Universe surprise moment since Sushmita! Your daughter’s expressions were priceless 🙂

    Great job, Supermom!

  4. Thanks so much for blogging along for the first day of BlogFEST 2012!! Second and foremost, WOW– the look on her face was so priceless!! I have tears watching the video. You are an AWESOME MOM!! And the place looks wonderfully decorated!! Kudos to you…and now you have me thinking!

    Cheers, Jenn

  5. We did something like this for Nidhi 3 years back and every moment she spent was worth the effort.
    Great mom of a beautiful daughter.

  6. She will also remember this birthday for all times!

    What a great job you did and the girls kept it quiet! How awesome is that?

    I loved reading about her surprise and the video…well, priceless.

  7. Oh my goodness, that video gave ME chills. Such a sweet gesture and it makes for a terrific story that I most enjoyed reading and I’m sure your daughter will share again and again.

  8. Oh, the look of surprise on your daughter’s face was priceless! What a beautiful young lady she is and what a wonderful mom you are to give her a birthday memory she will cherish forever.
    Blessings to you!

  9. Aww…fab birthday surprise! ur daughter is really very cute…deserved this! 🙂

    btw,i thought iss video mein to apki jhalak milegi hi…but ur really good in keeping the mask on! even better than spidey who keeps losing it every now n then! 😉 😉

  10. Well I am late but heres wishing the little one a very happy birthday and many many happy returns of the day ..

    Mommy sure did make the day special for the little one ..

    God bless


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