I’ve been on a sabbatical and enjoying the holiday season. My 75th post had to be something special and I got that inclination to write today. And you know how it is, when you gotta write, you just gotta write. Wishing all you folks who drop by a fabulous lit up world, both on the inside and the outside. And to the child in all of us, keep us alive!

I have rediscovered the radio ever since Radio One has come onto the scene. I love their music because it is my kinda stuff. Especially their mornings with @HrishiKay are a fab way to start your day. So today being the festive new beginning and children’s day, the dual celebration was inevitable. My tweets got me two minutes of airtime and I had to give a sound byte on what kids need to learn today without sounding condescending. 

Well to summarize, I said kids needed to learn spellings for I did not get the SMS lingo. They needed to learn tables and not depend on the calculator for simple calculations. They need to learn to memorize phone numbers, make paper boats, catch dragon flies, go down and play, indulge in art and craft and more, so that when they are in the sunset of their lives, they will have wonderful memories to fall back on. 

Having done that, I was left thinking. What if all life’s lessons had to be taught in one fleeting moment? What if I just had a dozen odd things to tell my daughter? What if this was all I could leave behind, this blog post? Suddenly I had so many brainwaves running through my mind, it left me breathless  How can you really encompass all that you would want to say? Being organized is a real uphill task and not one of my strong traits. Yet, I collected my thoughts, sorted them and arranged them as an acrostic, hoping they make sense….someday………….somewhere……………to someone…!

1. Communication is important. Satellites cannot latch on your precise thought waves. 
2. Happily ever after is always the beginning of a new story. Turn the page.
3. Invest in people, books and a camera. All three make fab memories. 
4. Love is not a feeling, it is a decision. Stick to it!
5. Dreams are the blueprints of the destination you must reach. Redesign if you must.
6. Remember to pray often. No one has attested the afterlife, yet. 
7. Educate yourself to know the difference between an argument & a debate. Speak well. 
8. Never forget to take vacations. A different perspective always helps. 
9. Sing, dance, paint or play a musical instrument. Fine arts makes a fine person.
10. Divide your day to get your coveted me time. 24 hours is all you’ve got, everyday. 
11. Avoid momentary adjustments. Adopt lifelong habits. Will keep you wrinkle free.
12. You are living your life. Don’t live to regret it. Don’t regret not having lived.

And Whitney Houston makes a fab song out of what all I have missed, so listen and adhere!

Happy Holidays everyone!



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6 thoughts on “Child’s Play

  1. Brilliant BG ! Turning the page after’happily ever after’ is the best advice one can give to a loved one! Have I ever told you ,you are a sunshine girl ?

  2. Not often enough, you haven’t….or maybe I just love you to say it every now and then. 😉
    Yes, turning the page is so darn important, else you have an untold story lurking somewhere.

  3. funny you said about Radio.. for diwali I took the cd out of my car and took it inside the house to play it for the evening, today i forgot to bring it and the Radio was on.. and it was playing those beautiufl lovely 80’s songs the english ones .. festival time is here as christmas is coming .. so all lovely christmasy songs were on ..

    Well in my job 90% of it involves Communication , in any situation ..

    Invest in people i am not sure as I do that all the time and get a slap every time, last week has been aweful , some of the people I respected did a YOU turn and were just two faced people ..

    I am very concsious of that now ..

    lovely thoughts though mam..


  4. Hey Bikram, glad to have the radio connect. May this new year be a whole lot more than you expect in every way.

    Whenever you invest in people you either comes back rich with friends or experiences. Both of which are precious in their own ways. No one said friends would always be there just as experiences will always be good.

    In such a case, turn your page to come to the happy ending and then move on 🙂

  5. True , fortunate are the 80-90s kids who could get a much more beautiful childhood, rather than the ones today. Kids today should actually revisit on the things you quoted. All the twelve, are in themselves very correct, read them thrice.

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