I once knew someone who took ‘being a miser’ to a new level. He’d flatten a shaving cream tube to such an extent that you could pass it off for a silver sheet. All through my childhood, I remember him using the same night suit on every visit. Back then, I thought, he wasn’t that well to do. Now that I know better, I am amused at how stingy he was. 

Then there was this other lady who was related to every important person listed in the tabloids. He was either a cousin, or a far off uncle, an in-law or a dear friend. Her name dropping was known far and wide. Brushed off as a wannabe, she was never invited for parties. No prizes for guessing why.

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We all have strange fascinations or habits. It makes us queer, not in the liberated sense, but yes, you know what I mean. I too have a thriving quirky side. And I’m just about to list them for you, in a random order, just in case you happen to meet me in your lifetime. They might not make sense and hence they are MY idiosyncrasies. Grin and bear!

1. I quit a convo when I realize there are imbeciles at the other end. I’m allergic to fools.
2. I love humour quotes. I save them for a rainy day when I need a bit of sunshine.  
3. I feel queasy if a man don’t match his shoes and belt. We can never be friends.
4. Contrary to my talkative nature I prefer peace and quiet. I love my own company. 
5. I can’t share my side of the bed and quilt with anybody. No, not Mel Gibson either.
6. I hate people who break queues. I have told random strangers to get back in line.
7. I have a quaint collection of greeting cards since I was 10. I love handwritten notes.
8. The quest for an apt blog title is my priority. People walk in if the invite is worth it.
9. I work at the Eleventh hour. Somehow my thoughts & productivity pace quickens then. 
10. A quip is the easiest way to befriend me. I have no qualms in sharing the stage. 

Quite Quintessential, no? 

Do you have a quirky side too?



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51 thoughts on “Q questions QUIRKS

  1. Enjoyed your post. I had to think about my quirky side – I drop things off hangers when I shop – perhaps I’m just clumsy but I’m only clumsy in the clothes section of department stores!

    1. Suzy, I almost always like an outfit the first time I see it. still insist on seeing a dozen others and come back to buy the same one in the first place. Lol.

  2. haha your quirkiness could well be mine vinita; though the quilt and side of the bed I could share with George Clooney (wink). And I am an eleventh hour person just like you- brings out the best in me i guess 🙂 loved this post as I could relate it to almost all.

  3. I did a similar post about a year back – I am called the Queen of quirks by all who know me !
    I hate people who break queues too and I cant continue a convo with I cant seem to relate to !

  4. Those are two many q’s and too many facts about U which dont seem queer at all !
    I hate people who break queues and my whole post today is about that – IF ONLY U HAVE time do drop by 🙂
    Happy holiday

    A quip is an easy way to befriend me too and being a fool is an easy way to unfriend me 😀

  5. That was a lot of ‘q’s! The que breaking drives me nuts too. Although my hubs will never learn to match anything, let alone shoes and belts. We all have our quirks. And that’s good!

  6. I share the number 8 with you Vinita.
    Enjoyed all your quirks, and I’m so relieved to realise I am not alone, just another one in the list 😉

  7. Quool! Been nice reading through the A-Z. I can never stop being amazed at the determination it must take.

    I have only one belt, Bible black, or rather used to be. Time has frayed its essence. I also have only one footwear. Black. Though I sometimes wear brown formal shirts out with blue jeans, but you will still like me.

  8. People breaking queues? I hate them and tell them to get back in line so many times, in Metro, at theater.
    My quirky nature? Please please do not think I am crazy! But I have this weird habit of putting all my cosmetics on the bathroom rack front-facing with their brand names! I just dont like them with their back to me!!! Quirky, I say! 😛

  9. Enjoyed knowing your quirky side! 😀 Ditto on bed and quilt, letters and cards! The husband’s section in the cupboard and kid’s cupboard are always spic and span… even if they create a tornado in it everyday, I am quick to sort out the mess and arrange their clothes in neat piles… but my section in the cupboard, it is always a mess! 😛

  10. Ab mera nature to tum janti ho BG ..I will let out one secret today ( I am completely aware of the risk I am taking and the glint in your eyes ) .
    I am mortally scared of balloons floating in the room when the fan is on.Also if you fling anything in the air (with the fan being on),I can throw you out of the room.So,if you love me ,you know what not to do!

  11. One wouldn’t believe that you prefer peace and quiet… but even I when I actually think it over… as much as I talk and chat… I do prefer peace and actually enjoy my own company..

    btw what about men who dont wear any belts ?? 😛 😛 😛

  12. If I counted all my quirks, they would make a very boring, long blog post! 😀
    I am for all of yours, but especially #9! And, that reminds me that I haven’t written my R post yet!

  13. I felt an affinity for your miser. I am unable to throw away almost empty toothpaste tubes. Makes me feel wasteful. When my husband throws them away to make room for a plump and smooth brand new one I feel a momentary pang of shortlived guilt.

    1. Ha ha ha KayEm I am sure he would be thrilled to know that, wherever he is 🙂 I understand being economical, but miserly…..hardly. He was quite something else I tell you.

  14. And I cannot sleep facing an open closet . Something itches deep within me …and ditto for quilt and pillow and the man who does a SMS lingo on me goes out of my circle of friends . Cannot stand “That” being written as “dat” 🙂

    1. Ah, so glad I am not the only one 😀 As far as language is concerned, I think I will murder someone someday just because I won’t understand what they are trying to communicate.

  15. Pingback: Q qualifies QUOTES

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