My Wandering Wednesday Series are dedicated to the flight of my imagination now and then, captured by my camera lens. And then, songs and movies simply fill in the gaps for the right captions! I try to give you the back story of the picture too. Perhaps you may see a tale hidden there. Check the previous posts here.

Sometimes, a whole lot of things may not seem too right. They may seem to clutter your thoughts in a way that clarity seems distant.  The overall outlook is messy, perhaps. Confusion may blind your perception. But disorder doesn’t always have to be ugly.  A wrong doesn’t always have to be made right. Dividing your world in black and white is not a wise option, especially, when the world is in techni-colour.  When things go wrong, believe that your Eureka moment is around the corner. So get out of that pitiful bathtub and remember to keep a towel handy.

This was shot at Jim Jam Diner at Versova. If you are in the vicinity, you must visit this place. It is AWESOME! The decor goes all topsy turvy and you feel that the things are gonna come tumbling down any minute. And yet, everything is in place and there is a place for everything. A jukebox plays melodies on request, and you have board games to keep you occupied till your grub arrives. What’s more, they also have free Wi-Fi! A look at this place and it would represent the state of our mind, at any random point. And hence I say, there is some method in madness and it is a fab accessory. Flaunt it!


Disclaimer : All pictures belong to the author and may not be used in any form.



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6 thoughts on “Free Fallin’

  1. Hey, have heard a lot about this place. Have to visit soon. And yes, there is order is chaos, only we need the patience to see it.

  2. M new to ur space and absolutely enjoying your wandering Wednesday series!!

    This place sounds so cool and unique!! Sometimes in chaos you find peace…again loved ur perspective!

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