Today, I start the A-Z Challenge – April 2014. One 30-day month, minus Sundays. 26 Alphabets. A word for each, your way. Talk about anything or leave it to the imagination. April 2013 is set to go back to the basics. Also, a special thank you to  Arlee Bird for bringing this to us. I’m so looking forward to this month of April.

I swear I had a theme in mind, but decided against it at the last-minute. I quite enjoyed my free-write last time, and so here is round two, where I talk about random stuff that perhaps you might find special.


I’ve always loved arts and craft. It was the way I was raised.  When I wasn’t busy reading books as a child, you could find me tinkering away. As a result, I learned to paint, sketch, mould, cut, paste and sew, as the need be. I grew older, I found greater pleasure in creating a gift rather than buying it. At some point in my life, I also had a little business going. My creations made it across multiple cities and countries as gifts for loved ones.

Very recently, the daughter has started showing signs of creativity. With YouTube at her disposal, she browses through tutorials and has learned clay and craft work on her own. Yes, she has often seen me working, but it is amazing, the nuances she has picked. And to know that the legacy is carried forward such, makes my heart all warm and mushy. Truly, kids learn more by observing than you can ever know. (The upcycled kitchen and room furniture, the burger and the girl painting are her artwork.)

The love for arts has made me see the extraordinary in the humdrum. A broken path has character, a broken heart has memories. A painting tells a story, a story can be painted. You can buy a gift, but a smile can be handmade. The best thing someone ever gave me was their time and effort. So, if you ever get a handmade gift or a special ‘gift wrapped moment’ from me, know that you mean the world and more. And if you haven’t yet, time to make your presence felt, no?

And a special footnote for this challenge.

My Social Circle

Lizzi Rogers is talking about various styles of writing. She starts with how to write an ‘Advice Column’. Here is a blog you don’t want to miss.

Hrishikesh Bawa, a dear, mad friend is giving away recipes for free! He starts with Appe with green chickpeas. What’s more, he does it like a pro, pics et al. Do visit.

From the AtoZ Stables
Here are a few blogs that caught my fancy. I plan to stalk them during the challenge.
Suzi’s Ice Box Art, One True Kim and Did you ever kiss a frog?

As for ME
Been there, done that.  Broadcast to the world.



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34 thoughts on “A appreciates ART

  1. Lovely art work. Used to be my favorite thing before bad eyes took over. Now, writing is my art. 😀
    I agree with you totally on ‘kids learn by observing’ and that is THE best form of learning.

    1. Ah, Shail…..I am headed there…………but will still work it while I can.

      Yes, kids are observing us way more than we are aware. Hence, we need to really grow up 😀

    1. Ah, Kajal, you did not read correctly. And I quote, “So, if you ever get a handmade gift or a special ‘gift wrapped moment’ from me, know that you mean the world and more.” Time and effort, hon. And I know, I’ve given at least one of them to you 😀

  2. I used to be way better at art and craft at school. Now, I have become lazy or just don’t find the time. But yes, doing it yourself always makes it special!

  3. You can buy a gift, but a smile can be handmade. — That is so true
    Like moma like daughter. Good to see the skills of Duo
    Am glad we all r together in this challenge


  4. I love art…I still make all my nephew’s school projects coz I love cutting, shaping and pasting work. Abs love T’s craft work….can learn so much from her 🙂

  5. 26 posts in a month – as they say in Star Wars speake, May the Force be with you!
    Great start…this one read like it was truly from the heart. Now I shall just sit and wait for my home made gift from you. No pressure! 😛

  6. Hello fellow A-Z blogger, lovely post and I thought those craft items were made by you, but you say by your daughter? Wow, an adult making them would have been great but a child? I think the fact she is looking up you tube tutorials a great think and a fantastic testament to your parenting and we should all take note of being able to use our hands to make wonderful things in this world.

    I look forward to your next post

  7. Nice to find another art lover through this challenge. I so get what you mean when you say art helps you see extraordinary in the humdrum. I had blogged about my love for arts & crafts in :
    I hope to be able to get some DIY content up through this challenge! Good luck with the rest of the challenge.

  8. I lived around art so I understand what you are saying. Why buy a card when you can make a card? We didn’t have money so we always made gifts, many of those gifts are still around.
    Glad to see your daughter is following her role model.
    Happy A to Z

  9. Creativity has no limits. It is boundless.To be honest I love doing such stuff like drawing, crafting , making toys out of polymer clay. I loved the stuff your daughter made. It takes a lot of time and energy to bring your imagination into existence and not all can do it.

  10. I love art in all its forms and I have been creating, one way or another, all my life. My art of choice, jewelry (beads) making, writing, drawing/doodling, and crocheting. I can’t count how many blankets/throws I’ve made over the years and given as gifts.

  11. you and art are concurrent of each other, and I am glad you decided against the theme, its good to explore various things with a free hand

  12. G, I still sit at home with paper, pens, colours, scissors scattered all around me and it makes me very happy. Art is something that feeds the soul. Looking forward to more of mother-daughter artworks. 🙂

  13. That’s lovely – “The love for arts has made me see the extraordinary in the humdrum.”

    Great start – I’ll be back for more of your challenge.

  14. I wish I were more crafty but I am definitely not creative in that department! Would love to see what your daughter comes up with!

  15. Long live your love for art! Here goes a thumbs up from another heart that loves art (o it rhymed!). Will keep coming back! Me too on A2Z bandwagon 🙂

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