14th April is a very special day. You see, this was the day I learned all about the fruits of labour. Yes, I became a mother to my crowning glory who we call Tiara. Believe me when I say this, you understand unconditional love only when you become a parent. I mean what can you really do when a little bundle wakes up in the middle of the night, wailing? If it is the spouse, you have the luxury of ear plugs, or even the advantage of sleeping in a  different room. But with a child, you simply take a deep breath and learn on the job.

This year she turned twelve and we had a week long celebration across continents since we were travelling. The number of cakes we cut are testimony to that. Her birthday is a reminder of not only that I have a wonderful young lady to call my daughter, but also of the fact that love is always tested.

With her being on the anvil of turning into a teenager, believe me, we have mini world wars with something as basic as combing hair. To me she is still little, to her she can own the world. And I am taken back to a time when my mom said to be, you’d know what it feels when you are in my shoes. Damn, I am now and they are not a comfortable fit at all.

And yet, there is nothing I’d change. It is not the greatest job as glorified by so many. (Yeah, go ahead, shoot me!) But it is still the one I’d not trade for the best job in the world. And as much as I hate saying this, MOM, you were right! *Sigh*


Been there, done that. Broadcast to the world.



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