Oh well, I am taking advantage of the creative license out here. Sue me! But have you tried packing everything you’ve ever shopped into two measly suitcases? What with the airlines cracking done heavily on extra weight, I was caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. Sigh, to shop or to not shop. Fortunately for me, the sibling travels often, so I simply planned to leave the extra behind. Apparently, when we reached the airport I had room for about 12 kgs more. Well, that’s why we created duty-free, I guess.

The thing about picking stuff, you forget that you will be carting it home and then unpacking it as well. Believe you me, this unpacking can almost be a ceremony that stretches over days. Somehow, you can never unpack at one go. At least I can’t. And even though we know how much of an eyesore a half emptied suitcase can be, we still look for that xtra bits. The term ‘free’ almost gives us a second lease of life. We don’t just want value for money, we want to milk the money for the value it can hypothetically give. If only we had to carry our baggage along with us at all times, we’d perhaps travel light. But then again, we do lug the heavy baggage of our yesterdays, the good, the bad and the ugly. Maybe that is why, we love all things xtra, be it freebies or discounts. Someday, we will learn to let go and soar high. Till such time, I guess I’ll simply shop till I drop.



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2 thoughts on “X x-rays XTRA

  1. We all love to buy something xtra . Yes 😀
    and I can’t unpack suitcases in one go. Infact I need to be reminded by anyothers to finish the task 😛

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