Yes, it is the Blog Birthday as BlogwatiG is turning FOUR this February.


Though it only seems like yesterday that I ventured into the blogosphere with no particular goal in mind. I still feel that way, a newbie of sorts and yet, seasoned at the same time, too. Perhaps. This digital platform has given me so much, that I can’t even begin to count my blessings. Don’t worry, I am not listing them for you to count either. I just hold gratitude in my heart. I was taught no matter how the tide turns, be grateful, always. And then pay it forward.

That’s exactly what I am doing today.

Last year, thanks to the HT Brunch Book Challenge, I ventured into book styling from book reviewing. There was this one time a book caught my attention. I don’t recall a word of the review, but the picture stayed with me for a long time. (Thanks Arvind :)) One fine day, I decided to try to style a book my way. The author picked the picture for his social media platforms. From then on, any book reviewed came with a styled picture. Slowly, I realized book reviews were killing the joy of reading, at least for me. I was constantly looking for plots and plot points, a slip here, a miss there……and so the decision was made. Henceforth, bookstyling it was because I wanted to show and not tell.

So, what has that got to do with the Blog Birthday? Well, THIS.

We are having a Blog Birthday Party and to get it started, I am giving 24 of my styled books to anyone who wants to have them. Yes, for real. 😀 I have also promised myself that I ain’t buying no more books till I finish reading the ones I have already. Happy to report I have behaved myself for the month of January. (Of course, books got for free don’t count.)

What do you have to do? The rules are simple.

  1. The results of the giveaway will be announced on February 20th, 2016. Yes, that is the birthday!
  2. Just enter in your name and the book you wish for in the blog comments section.
  3. This is open to Indian residents only.
  4. You can choose one book per lot. This is so that I can reach out to more people.
  5. In case of numerous requests, my cats will pick out a lucky winner by sniffing on the names. (They are good, I swear)
  6. The books will be sent to you asap. Please be patient.

Here we go, in no particular order 

See anything you like? Then what are you waiting for?

Edited : It’s the Birthday and THE WINNERS HAVE BEEN ANNOUNCED.

Check your listed book to see if your name features below it. And if it does, mail your address to us on and then wait patiently for the package to arrive. 🙂

If you did not make it this time, don’t despair. We are going to have book giveaways the year through. Simply, keep a tab on this blog. Bus, aur kya? 😀




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15 thoughts on “It’s the Blog Birthday Month!

  1. Karna’s wife becomes my second choice.. Just in case no one picks it up and you are in mood of gifting 2. :p
    Congratulations once again. 🙂

  2. Heartiest congratulations on the anniv, BloggieG. Here’s to many more raises glass

    And such exciting books to choose from! A wrench really to choose just one. So, here’s my list (almost like answering all the questions in the paper even when asked to do just two):

    In order of preference:
    1) The Story of A Ship-Wrecked Sailor (FIRST CHOICE)
    2) The Quilt
    3) The Story of A Widow
    4) Bombay Stories

    Lotsaluv <3 😀 (And, TIA)

  3. Many many congratulations Vini 🙂 what a lovely idea to do giveaway on this day!

    Can I have the The story of a shipwrecked sailor. Sounds interesting. Thank you.

    PS: Do let me know how your self-promise of not buying any books till you read what you’ve got goes, I thwart it every single time.

  4. Congrats to you !! appreciate your generosity. Hope to learn this kind of an art to share:) I would to have “The Magic Drum and other favourite stories” by Sudha Murty

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