My mom has a green thumb. It is her love for plants that saw me follow in her footsteps with a modest balcony garden. These wonderful green creatures ask for nothing and yet give so much. When my mom gave me this plant, she said it was a blessing as it was the ‘Star of Bethlehem’. Many others said it was the ‘Brahma Kamal’. But in the present days where Sri Sri Googleshwar can tell you much more than you really think you know, I realized that this is the Night Blooming Cereus.
This plant stems from a stem or rather a leaf. It flowers in June/July and Dec/Jan as it needs a relatively cooler climate.
It begins with a little sprout of a bud on a leaf, grows to almost the size of a palm and then curves in for added support.
The flower bud grows as though holding a precious secret.
Enveloped in an ornate pattern of long, pink, needle like protection, the buds look so secretive, yet ready to burst any minute.
And then one night, it finally happens. Pandora’s box gently opens to reveal the treasures hidden in this marvellous white vision of perfection.
It typically starts blooming around twilight. Closer to midnight you witness the ethereal beauty and fragrance of this supposed cactus.
These flowers bloom just for one night, a few hours in fact. Yet, they put in their entire essence of existence in that act of exuberance. Only, if we too had that conviction to give it all up for that one thing that we aspire for, perhaps we too would live for that perfect moment.
Last night, I had triplets and so just had to post a pictorial post. Hope you enjoy this just as much as I did having them. Have a set of fraternal twins all set to bloom tonight. Did they get me any luck? Well, heard two good news yesterday, awaiting the third! Mother is always right, I guess!
@Confused Soul…..these flowers are to die for……gorgeous I tell you 🙂
Beautifully captured – the pics and the words – especially this
sentence: they put in their entire essence of existence in that act of exuberance.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we all lived that way?
Two of them are blooming at home today… my mom was saying… lovely flowers and with a little mythology story added to it, about the shape of the stamen and pistil resembling Vishnu’s abode 🙂
We’ve had 20-25 of them blooming one night… 🙂
those clicks are nice.. Loved the last image most 🙂
lovely pics telling a lovely and unique story. it must have been such a joy watching it unfold.
this is so pretty BG…and the way you presented it makes it all the more special 🙂
loved it!
lovely…i know about this flower and it is truly rare!!…
love ur images….
Lovely post, lovely pics and great analogy!
awesome beauty..
@Corinne…all our problem solutions lie in nature, either the one created by God or our our innate one 🙂 was bliss! You know how we used to wait as kids to open birthday presents, every time this flower blooms…I’m hovering around the balcony waiting to uncover it 🙂
@Scribby…the best things life are still free 🙂
@Shooting star and Ranjana…..Thank you for dropping by!
@Pinashpinash….Wow 25……that must have been some heavenly sight. Unfortunately, due to restricted space I have to make do with what flowers in the pots. Yup know about the Mytho angle too, but apparently this is not the Brahma Kamal as it is found only in the Himalayas.
@Chatty…Bloggers job to analyze 😀 How have you been?
@sumukh….Yes it was!
heyy, these pics are lovely…. the sequence makes it all look so real!
Good to see these flowers. I am sure it would have been a pleasure to have some many plants in your house.
beautiful. I had one grow just before I left home. Looked amazing. -Rishi
What an awesome content Your blog seems different and cool. And the concept is also very nice!
SonaLee Desai
@Ash…have had the flowers bloom before too…this time managed to capture the stages 🙂
@Rishi…then you would know exactly how it feels. Thanks for dropping by.
@Indiawilds….Plants lift up the room and a mood like nothing else I know.
@Janu…yup they surely were.
@Shona…thanks for the compliment. Yup I do try to be like ‘Maggi ketchup’……it’s different 😀
@Bhavana….they are gorgeous…glad I could share.
beautiful! I have never seen these flowers but your post does them honor!
you’re right 🙂
Thanks Scribby 🙂
They put in their entire essence of existence in that act of exuberance. Only, if we too had that conviction to give it all up for that one thing that we aspire for, perhaps we too would live for that perfect moment. – Beautiful words. These words and the lovely pics – a great start to my week !
I guess we all strive to be perfect, not realizing it is an onward journey. I am glad you liked it 🙂