Wish upon a star

Alright, so I knew I was special. Well, I have two reasons for you.  I was born on January 2nd, mind you, not the 1st. So my birthday was technically the first day of the sober year. That made me a Capricorn which FYI is the sun sign to be. Again, two reasons. Jesus was one too (IT don’t get bigger than that). Secondly, you have the tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of…….you guessed it…. Capricorn. Thus theology, history and geography reaffirmed that I was extraordinary.

I knew I was blessed with abundant talents and so walked the face of the earth with my nose held high. I could paint pretty pictures and sing wonderful songs. I danced like a dream and spoke to win competitions. I excelled in sports as much as I did in academics. Art and Craft were prized abilities as were Speech and Drama. The all round student in school, I had quite a few fans too. So can you believe my horror when I realized I wasn’t a Yanni in the making? Oh my dear Lord, how could the almighty have missed that?

On a serious note, playing the keyboard has really been on my wish list for ever. When I was little, I hardly saw one, let alone afford it. As I grew older, I always said, someday……somewhere. The ebony and ivory keys were reminiscent of a harmony I was dying to strum. I finished college and got to working. My musical pursuit was still a distant dream. The difference between what I could afford and what was on offer was always huge.  

Well I jumped jobs and landed myself an opportunity to work with the foremost jewellery exporters in the country.  My salary was a handsome 4 figures (yes it was huge back then).  My first paycheck was soon due when a colleague mentioned he had a spare CASIO keyboard to sell. By then my little sister was growing to be a fine young lady with an ear for music. I knew this was it. So I used my first paycheck in entirety to pick that KEYBOARD. Happiness I learnt, does have a musical note to it.

Soon she began learning to play and that made me very happy. But then she too fell in the rut of mundane things and that keyboard lay on top of the cupboard. 2 years down the line I married and had a baby. She grew up and was soon 8. My sister sent the keyboard over for her to learn. She thought it was apt that the daughter build on what we tried to. Well, kids you know how frivolous they can be. She played a couple of weeks and then lost interest. I did not push her.

That keyboard still lies on my cupboard and is gathering dust. When I read the prompt for today, I knew what I had to strike off my bucket list. Somewhere, I know I still want to give that one performance worthy of a standing ovation, even if it is in my backyard. Somewhere, I know that I want to glide gracefully across the notes and dish out a soulful melody. Somewhere, I know I’m still 10 and want to be able to play a musical instrument. Only now I know someday, somewhere is not an option. The here and now is all I have and all that matters. And so I promised myself I will at least give it a shot before the year end. 

Will I, won’t I? Will leave it for another blog post, shall we?

Happy to write this with Blog Fest 2012. 
Today’s prompt was  “I am asking you to MAKE A WISH.  What talent would you wish for?”hosted by Sylvie









14 responses to “Wish upon a star”

  1. Blogwati Gee avatar

    Ha ha ha Ugich, I am waiting for all the other sun signs to raise an alarm….lol….and I knew there was a reason why I liked you so much 😀

  2. Corinne @ Everyday Gyaan avatar
    Corinne @ Everyday Gyaan

    The Lion (not the one I dreamt about) protests! 😉

    So now I’m imagining blogging meetings with you serenading us. I can also picture you accompanying some bloggers as they sing ‘sweetly’. Enough to put you off the keyboard? 😉

  3. Ugich Konitari avatar

    Loved your post ! Maybe its about the Sun sign being the best ! I went through a similar thing with my Mom’s harmonium and tabla.

    I so agree about the Capricornian stuff. That makes 3 of us, counting the Lord, though I need to be really singing “Nearer my Lord to thee….” …..(24/12 !)

  4. Ruchira avatar

    Howdy fellow capricorn 🙂
    My birthday is January 6th ! How cool is that !
    I think capricornians rock !!

  5. Jo avatar

    All I can say after reading this is…

    Please do it for yourself!

    It’s a gift you will never be sorry you accepted.

  6. JANU avatar

    And I will be in the audience when you play the keyboard in your backyard.

  7. Jay Singh avatar

    Good one BG 🙂
    We usually tend to let these things pass by without realizing that tomorrow may never come. Finish off whatever is pending today itself.
    Life is too short to wait for the opportune moment 🙂
    Keep posting 😀



  8. Journey of Life avatar

    Do it! 🙂 And we want a video recording for that 🙂

  9. Kathy avatar

    I think you should go for it!! There is nothing more fulfilling or relaxing than playing music, seriously. It feeds the soul!


  10. Bikramjit avatar

    Well Jan 2nd is special to me too..
    And what a student you were I was also OUTSTANDING student but my OUTSTANDING was different. In my case I was always STANDING OUT of the class student.

  11. Bikramjit avatar

    Well Jan 2nd is special to me too..
    And what a student you were I was also OUTSTANDING student but my OUTSTANDING was different. In my case I was always STANDING OUT of the class student.

  12. Susan Deborah avatar

    My sister’s birthday is also on the 2nd of Jan. I can never forget your birthday! And, Capricorns always despise Librans! We are complete opposites.

    Please please do start the keyboarding. All the best in advance.

    Joy always,

  13. Jenn avatar

    What a great post. I hope you find time in your schedule to pursue taking keyboard lessons!! At least the experience of trying would be worth it!!

    Cheers, Jenn.

  14. Susan ~ Today's Working Woman avatar

    Never too late to learn something new! Go for it!

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