The Kala Ghoda Arts Festival is synonymous with the Mumbai Lifestyle. Spread across a week which seems to rush past when you live at one end of the world, KGAF is a must visit. Managed to make it finally after a year’s gap. And as much as I could write about it, only a pictorial post would do full justice. So, if you have missed it this year or have never been to it ever, hop on. You are in store for a visual delight! And oh yes, you are welcome. 🙂
Cycle your way to a cleaner city and a healthy you. 
The Mumbai Dabbawala, the corporate food line
Thrash can be pretty interesting
Globalization, bigger by the minute.
To the menace in us
Balancing Act
We have no time to stand and stare…
Learn to listen to the silences too…
Got a minute?
Light up my world
And add some music too!
Sea of People!!!!
Don’t let the tree of indifference take roots
And we do value ‘Gandhi’ even today….
Recycle before you are….
Hazy shade of winter?
The Elite Aerial Accommodation 
Whose hands are these? Community check?
Two fellas who saw the world go by
No umar for toys..
From despair comes hope
What’s in a name? An art form!
The high point of KGAF
Follow instructions to get rich!
I’ll have 5 boxes please!!!!
Plastic in my city or city in plastic?
Kahani ghar ghar ki??!!!
And Jahapanah himself
Yamraj feels the heat too, sometimes…
Beauty lies in the eyes and their nuances
100 years of Cinema and not Bollywood please….
Festive and colourful
Hanging around….mythologically!
Plastic won’t let you breathe……. Reduce and Reuse
Bull’s eye
Drink and Light!
Cinderella was apparently married to Shrek? 
Two legends, one story
Dust you are and to dust thou will return

Disclaimer : All pictures in these series belong to the author and may not be used in any form 



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9 thoughts on “The Black Horse Returns

  1. What lovely snapshots of the festival! I have heard about this festival so many times – the stalls, the literature, the theatre . . . maybe some day. Until then, your pictures will continue to haunt me.

    Joy always,

  2. very nice of you to keep the colurful Kala Goda art festival. every year I used to visit but this year I missed . the store of visual delight is really good .

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