10 brownie points for you, if you thought of Enrique Iglesias the moment you read the title. Such a dish that boy is, I tell you. And Escape is one of those numbers that makes me go weak in the knees and everywhere else. Oh, well, now that we have that bit covered, let’s focus.
Each one of us loves to escape every once in a while. It could be with a person or to a place. It could also mean a secret dream or a long standing goal. Our escapades give us a well deserving break, a gentle prod or simply a secluded world of solace. To many, childhood is a place they like to visit now and then. Puberty, maybe not so much. The first crush, contrary to what most people would say, remains the most revisited memory. Unless, of course you happened to marry her and lived to regret it. In that case, accept my sympathies. Sorry, you did not manage to escape that!
The word escape has a sense of adventure like no other. It signifies freedom, determination and fortitude. It exemplifies the ability to win against all odds. You can escape a misfortune with good luck on your side. You can escape into a book on the strength of sheer imagination. A prayer can escape your lips as a silent thanksgiving. Or you can simply escape to an impromptu getaway. No matter what you say or do, an escapade is what makes for great stories.
I love to break into little adventures now and then. When I am in my secret hideout, no one can break in. I could be with you but I’m not there. I am some place far away. And you sound like a faint echo that I choose to ignore. I have retreated into a world of my own. Out there, I enjoy the solace of my own company. The silence of my thoughts merged with the rhythm of my heartbeat, bliss. And into this wonderland, I can escape right before your eyes.
No, I can’t take you with me. Some places are meant for a solitary rendezvous. It is here that I realize who I am. It is here that I know who my friends are. It is here that I weave stories of the world outside. It is here that I am, just me. Where is this place? How do I get there? How often do I visit? Every morning, between 7.30 am and 8.00 am. Just after the daughter and the husband have left for school and work respectively. My cuppa coffee beckons. I sit by my window and take in the gift of another beautiful day. That half hour is my armour to face the day. I just be. I go with the flow. I feel the gratitude and I tell myself “So, what are the plans for today?”
No, I can’t take you with me. Some places are meant for a solitary rendezvous. It is here that I realize who I am. It is here that I know who my friends are. It is here that I weave stories of the world outside. It is here that I am, just me. Where is this place? How do I get there? How often do I visit? Every morning, between 7.30 am and 8.00 am. Just after the daughter and the husband have left for school and work respectively. My cuppa coffee beckons. I sit by my window and take in the gift of another beautiful day. That half hour is my armour to face the day. I just be. I go with the flow. I feel the gratitude and I tell myself “So, what are the plans for today?”

Lovely. I too Escape into my own world every opportunity I get. It’s the most awesome place ever. My first crush is also one of my most visited memories. And Enrique Iglesias is definitely dishy! – You totally read my mind.
Ah, Suzy, birds of a feather, eh?
Beautifully written. For me escape is being one with my own self. When i can be just me…and peace!
Great job, there!!
Amen to that Kajal 🙂
Childhood is the place I want to keep revisitng…Also yeah, the first crush is always special….I was laughing for the next line you said., haha 🙂 Lucky I didn’t marry her!
Lucky you Akash, you are still alive in that case 😛
My greatest escape in childhood was under my parents’ custom designed ‘tall’ bed. Especially when I was scolded and I wanted to sulk in peace. I used to carry a book and just disappear under the bed. In the hot summers I would spend hours there, often fighting to restrict access to my sister. 🙂
Your post brought back such good memories.
Oh, we all had those secret hideouts. So glad you could revisit due to this post!
ooh! I can quite picture the moment of complete solitude when no one else is at home! Wait…I can, if I really, really concentrate!! 😛
Roshni I hear you! There were those times too. Fortunately, now, with full day school…………..I am at bliss.inc
We all have our own quiet little places. My greatest escape would be a visit to an island alone and just blend with nature. My favorite time of the day is also when I have my first cuppa.
I can imagine Janu. I so need a holiday by myself!
Somehow, escape to me always has connotations of being by oneself. Solitary. Is it the same with you?
Rickie, absolutely! I find my own company very enchanting 😀
Those little escapes are what keeps us sane! ♥
And thank God for that, Corinne. Else we’d not know what to do with our mornings…..lol.
The Great Escape within. I do that always 😀 Just switch off. That makes me very bad company 😉
Shail, good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere 😛
Sri, I am happy for you too. Have a cuppa on me!
My mother does that Shail . I instantly know she has escaped within by the expression on her face 🙂 and I am really glad I did not marry that crush of mine Vini 😉 Apart from that even I cherish my first cup of coffee 🙂
Reading this post made me think how do you know my (or maybe everyone else’s) escape zones! First crush, half an hour sitting by myself and thinking, childhood stuff, escaping into a book… you have superpowers!!!
Sssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh don’t let out my secret girl!
This piece is also an E – for Enchanting. 🙂
I love to escape every once in a while. Sometimes literally, sometimes just in my thoughts, like you. And hey, isn’t writing a sort of escape too?
Awww that was a gorgeous word to receive. Thanks Dee. And yup, writing most definitely is an escape.
Loved this ! My morning walks are my escape. So are books. One place I usually escape back to is university days ..
And I have a habit of tuning out irritating people and escaping into my own world .. 😛
Apart from the walks, I do all of it 😀
Your last lines are a description of my ‘escape’ – absolutely LOVED the post and reread it 🙂 Gee, you rock!
Awwww thanks Laxmi. Will direct the husband to this page whenever he is in doubt 😀
Oh yes! We all need our very own escape places…it’s your own world and no one can take it away from you!
Absolutely. We can’t always be firefighting, right?
It was so peaceful to read this today same for me
That one cup of tea just with me for company rocks !
Whatever u told made sense and it’s funny and true that most revisited memory is first crush only if u didn’t marry him / her . Lol
Loved reading this
I need an escapade now . A hide out some thing like a tent by river and a flower garden few books and barbecue outside 🙂
Good day vinita
I am glad this resonated with you too Afshan. I crave for a holiday too!
Awwwwww, the ‘escapes’ from the daily travails or before entertaining the regular chores of the day.
A cup of tea , a corner seat of sofa when the world around is still sleeping.
Lady, you have the clairvoyance to know what I cherish.
Kirti, Ah, I knew I was gifted….
what a sweet post vinita; indeed escapades are what make great stories. You so effortlessly weave your words to give us an escape route to magicdom. A big ehug back to you 🙂
That compliment just made my day Priya 🙂
A well written piece that evokes visions as one reads !
I am one who loves to Escape …into reality ! Have all these nooks and corners in my mind whare I retreat as and when …….Jacinta
Don’t we all, A. Jacinta. Glad you drop by to encourage me now and then.
Oh escapes… I miss them. I used to go to a book shop just to catch up on some reading. It has been given a miss for a couple of days now. Note to self- get back to escaping for your own good. 🙂
Happy to help, Pallavi.
What a lovely post, Vinita. May you always escape disaster and misfortune and escape into adventure and delight, with or without the Iglesias dish for company.
What a wonderful blessing Cynthia. I’d like the ‘Iglesias’ for company please 🙂
Escapes, yes totally need them, sometimes even a trip to the loo is an escape!
Ha ha ha Chatty, did not think of that one. But, yes, you are right!
So glad you started off with Enrique ( he is yummy! :P)
Escape…occasional jogs in the park are my happiest escapes. Rare, but when I do it, I love it. I love watching movies alone. I make plans by myself without telling any of my friends. I don’t like talking and discussing while the movie is still playing on-screen. And, books, most important escapes 🙂
Oh Enrique…..well he did start with an E after off 😛
Yup, checked all on the list above except the jogs…
Beautifully expressed. Could visualise it.
I tend to go vanish completely in order to escape. People say that I have gone underground.
But I crave to escape to mountains all the times. Mountains invite me and I feel at home there. Very recently I got this feeling to escape to the top of light house on a full moon night with wind in my hair.
Preeti, Now you have me wanting to escape like right NOW!!!
Yes, that particular coffee tastes very good. There was a time when escape meant rebellion to me. Now it is a soothing place. Lovely read, Vinita!
Ab Shaadi ke baad kya rebellion, sab kuch toh conquer kar liya Vidya…lol.
I think “Escape” is one of the words that get misinterpreted often because of some other words that have same root word but mean something entirely different. Like, escape and escapist; simple and simplistic. While escape could be a triumph, being escapist has a negative connotation. Ditto with simple and simplistic.
Explaining someone I escaped or I love my escaping moments (like your half an hour) is a hard task coz only we know their importance!
My escape- writing. Thats why, despite of not publishing for over 2 months now, I have 7-8 unfinished blogs. Those are my moments of escape! 🙂
Prateek, I hear you! And I second it too. And now write that blog….
I loved ‘escape’ in last paragraph. Even I love my own space. Even half an hour spent in pure self can perk you up for the day ahead.
Wow, I love your post!
Escape is one of my favorite words/activities.
It IS there that we weave stories of the outside world.
Sometimes I even get there when I’m dreaming.
Its wonderful, sadly no one else can see it, but that just makes you treasure it all that much.
Its YOURS and no one else can get to you there.
It is the safest haven you can ever venture to.
Wonderful post, thanks for letting me read your words 🙂
Totally agree. Your space, your time, your rules. Thank you for dropping by and reading it and understanding it so beautifully.
ah super ! I always want to escape and yet I never thought of E for Escape ! 😀
Good for me you didn’t 😀
It’s always great to have that ‘escape’ time. Thanks so much for sharing.
No debate there 🙂