Ah, yes, we are a nation of song and dance. Bollywood is staple diet in any respectable North Indian family. The rest of the country has their regional films to take a cue from. What can I say? We are a melodramatic lot! Everything for us is larger than life. Drama is life-giving. Emotions are at an all time high. Don’t believe me? Watch a cricket match with us, something as inconsequential as Twenty 20, and you’d be convinced.


So the story goes, Dad was associated with the Indian Film Industry for 45 years. Yes, that is HUGE. He came along to Bombay with the first family of films, only never to return. He handled production and artists, but was ever ready for a shot under the arc lights. He’d often say, if you ever want to see revenge take shape, make a man an actor for a day. Those spot lights will follow him wherever he goes. I’ve seen the ugly side of films, up, close and personal. It never intrigued me to follow, hence. But Dad loved it. He’d love to do little bits in movies, even as he handled back stage. Yup, he is the postman out here.

Over the years, just coz Dad was in Bollywood, we’d be subjected to the weirdest queries and requests. We’ve been asked if we could make sure Amitabh Bachchan met with the guests. We have been specifically instructed to give others a part in a big budget movie, since they were good friends. Some have even gone to the extent of telling us that their destinies have foretold, they are the future stars. I’ve lost count of the number of people we’ve packed back to their hometowns. Right from youngsters to well settled professionals, we’ve had all sorts come to us to try their luck. Someday, I will write that darn book!

I am reminded of a time when I attended a trial show of the movie ‘Henna’. It was the awaited RK banner and the expectations were high. We were at RK studios in Chembur. The movie was about to begin when a young man came and sat on the steps ahead of me. All the seats in the auditorium were taken, you see. He was oddly familiar, but I could barely make out the silhouette in the dark. He sat there for a better part of the movie till someone offered him a seat. And then I saw him, against the back-lit screen. It was Captain Abhimanyu Rai from Fauji. He was still to become Shah Rukh Khan, the superstar. The year was 1991.

Yes, Bollywood is glamour but it is also blood, sweat and tears. At the end of a month, the salaried employee is assured of a cheque, and perhaps an appraisal. Out here, you have no clue how long the next assignment will take. Talent, luck, opportunity, casting couch…you can call it anything. But the important thing is, if you are trying your luck in Bollywood, always, and I mean always, have a plan B. 

And a special footnote for this challenge.

My Social Circle

My dear friend Roshni is doing a delightful little thing on her blog. You think you know a whole lotta English words, well then check out how well you do, right here.

Janaki Nagaraj is the one you should befriend. She has Bollywood connections. But also because she is woman who weaves words at the drop of her hat.

From the AtoZ Stables

Here are a few blogs that caught my fancy. I plan to stalk them during the challenge.

Heather Gardner, J. Lenni Dorner, and The Blutonian Death Egg

As for ME

Been there, done that.  Broadcast to the world.



Previous post Social Banking in a JIFI
Next post C chuckles, CUTLET?

43 thoughts on “B bedazzles BOLLYWOOD

  1. Tankoo tankoo for the oohsum feature!! Yes, my weirdness does not allow me to spell correctly! 😀
    Knew about your dad from the photos you posted on Facebook but the Fauji incident you did not tell us!!! Wow!!

  2. Ohhhmyyyy gooddddd…u have seen srk..???do u know I can do anythingggg to meet him once in my lifetime???? Pls p!s vini,….make it happen for me *sheepish grin*

  3. That is a memorable photograph of dad. You must have many treasures like this one. Bollywood is a planet of its own.

    Thank you so much for featuring me on your blog.

  4. How come you are not an author of a bestselling autobiography yet! You have such colorful stores of your childhood, friends and family. Gee, you are been blessed to be surrounded with all sorts of interesting people with great stories, people from your dad to Tee :).
    Beautiful write up!

    1. Ha ha ha Prateek, someday, godwilling, someday! 😀 And happy to see you here. Was just speaking about you at a recently concluded blog meet that I addressed by the Google Business Group.

  5. Well we all love bollywood….come to think of it my family may have sone remote connections *runs aways to look them up*

  6. The Bollywood BlogwatiG 🙂 hmm. I’ll agree with the T20 passion part. I watch with North Indian friends sometimes. so know that feeling 😉

    So you’re the one to be friends with if I want an autograph from BigB 🙂 cool. And I will read that darn book once you write it ^_^

    1. Lol, Big B, I wish! But I can tell you loads of stories about him, all true.

      And now that I know at least one person will read my book, I am going to consider writing it after all.

  7. Ok, I have emailed you my latest script. Kindly make sure that you hand it personally to Aamir Khan only (not even Kiran Rao).
    See, normally I would have liked to have SRK do my film but, as you have just reminded me, the man has already peaked with his portrayal of Abhimanyu Rai.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    Dilliwala Boyfriend

    1. Aamir read that you signed off as Dilliwala Boyfriend. He is not liking the competition. Should I ask Hritik? He might be ok for a multi-starrer. 😛

  8. Wow for the photograph and for the write up both. True it is a lot of glamour and money from outside but unlike many other professions it has a dark side too!

  9. Having followed Film Industry since an early age, I am kind of aware of different stars incl some wonderful supporting artists.

    My Grandpa was head of NID in Delhi and my father always ensured that I am miles away from films and theaters that includes my summer stint for theater to go down the drain]. Anyways, the picture sure spells nostalgia and I guess this movie is- Kasme vaade or may be it is not. Cool share more pics and happy B for blogging!

  10. What!!
    U saw SRK and that too in 1991 . Now I have one more reason to cry but I shall smile thinking that I know some one who saw SRK 😛
    Lovely post. I thot of bollywood too but preserved my love for some other days
    Lovely vinita. never knew ur dad was associated with bollywood. Wud love to hear mroe stories!!!

    1. I was waiting for your comment, Afshan! 😀 I knew you’d love this one.

      I will wait for your post, now. And yes, I will write more, someday.

  11. I think it takes so much courage no to be part of Bollywood and follow it in spite of the uncertainty… yeah Bollywood does bedazzle… and how lucky you got to sit with SRK..where are Afshan and Akanksha! 😀

  12. Bollyhood vs Hollywood how much different are they. I doubt those who are in the film in India lives a life of luxury.
    It all how on looks at life in own area.

    It good to have plan B but I have combine plan A and B and end up with Plan C

    Stop in from the challenge…Coffee is on

    1. Hollywood, I say is way more organized. Bollywood is getting there. Too many middlemen.

      And you seem to be my kinda woman. I always combine A,B and C and then do D 😀

  13. Oh my! That’s such a delightful post. So you were privy to all the jazz around the industry from a young age.. That is quite something!

  14. I am wondering how many girls will be after you after reading that you were just 3 feet away from SRK! And you are a total Bollywood girl as well, as much as apni Janaki. 🙂

  15. I wish I had known you in the days I thought I was Bollywood types – I’d have parked myself in your home wonly until I was booted out 😛 Sighing for missed opportunities of shaking hands with fillum walas. May I shake your hand instead? It will do very nicely as a substitute

    1. Lol, my dad was the one to know, Ritu. He would have sent you home, samjha bujhake. This was our part time business, I tell you 😀

      And you can hug me, why just shake my hand? 😀

  16. Maa Kasam, yeh post to sirf tum hi likh sakti thi ! You have so many interesting tales to tell vini, there is a bollywood style book just waiting to come out of you !

  17. You DO have connections in high places! I especially loved this line by your dad: if you ever want to see revenge take shape, make a man an actor for a day. What a wealth of information in one sentence 🙂

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