So, all those who know me, know how I was arm twisted into becoming a cat person. And then how that brat took over my house, my family and my life! You’d also believe that I quickly learned my lesson and recovered from the feline attack. Of course, I did. That was two years ago.
However the news had spread in the neighborhood. Somehow, the cat kingdom got to know that we accepted damaged goods. So around this Christmas past, a little ball of fur, not more than a few weeks old, came looking for us in our building compound. Since we knew the drill, the husband and I were firm in the face of the daughter’s antics. Her arguments of ‘since I don’t have a sister…….’ were simply given the royal ignore. But that daughter of ours is a tough cookie. She managed to con her father, yet again! She got her up for just a day and was happy to take care of her food and the fleas (yuck). Since we were travelling the weekend, we left ‘the one who had not been named, yet’ with the security guard.
That was our BIG mistake. We came back to find her leg bitten by a bandicoot. And the sad bit, it had been more than 48 hours! We rushed to the vet immediately. They said that she’d lost sensation in the paw. They might have to amputate her leg, perhaps. They did the dressing and asked us to get her back the next day. We were feeling miserable. We vowed to keep her till she got better. The poor thing was dragging her foot. It was painful to watch. And the dressing routine continued for almost a month.
“What do you call her?”
“We haven’t named her yet. We don’t intend keeping her. We already have a cat.”
She continued to be ‘the one who had not been named, yet’. Our responses were standard to all who asked us this question. Our intentions were clear, and we planned on sticking to the plan of action. And then came the final day when the dressing was to be taken off. She kept wriggling, perhaps in anticipation of freedom, and I said…. “What an enthu cutlet!”
“Cutlet? Is that her name?”
“Errr, no….I…”
“That’s a good one. We have a Cookie, and two Brownies but no Cutlet in our database.”
We looked at the vet, my daughter and I, and with that, our fate was sealed.
The one who had not been named, had gotten a home.
Since then, Tinkle has warmed up to her and the Daddy loves his ‘GIRLS’. The princess made Cutlet a diaper to get her potty trained, and Cutlet wants to do everything that her older siblings do. And I, ladies and gentleman, am the official referee in this game. Welcome to my world.
My Social Circle
Shail Mohan, our resident Bird Wali Aunty writes about a dude who we really, really like!
Cynthia Rodrigues M gives a voice to those who have never spoken for themselves. Must read.
From the AtoZ Stables
Here are a few blogs that caught my fancy. I plan to stalk them during the challenge.
Been there, done that. Broadcast to the world.
Nothing happens by chance. Cutlet was destined to be with you’ll. Love your story and love the name.
Your cats and Janakis cats are like our cats we are a part of their life and they ours….why my kiddo looks at my phone everyday (I mostly access fb on phone) and asks me Cat….Kitty…..Pussy cat….he still has not learnt their names though
Sigh. This reminds me of the days of Pepper and Nibbles (the most recent ones). I wouldn’t mind adopting a couple even now, but first I gotta get Madame Luci’s permission

Thank you for the share
So so cute vini
I love cutlet.
Awwww loved your narration! and C for Cutlet is very C for Cuteeeeee
So cute! I’ve always had cats growing up but the 2 that were close to mu heart were flinksy and scrookie. Yep, weird names LOL
I knew I knew I knew you would do C for cutlet ! I have had very interesting experiences with Tinkle, and I wait for my encounter with Cutlet !
I liked the narration. Never had any cats or dogs.
I loved how she got her name, Cutlet, and the cat in the diaper was the cutest thing I saw today! Give kisses to both Tinkle and Cutlet and hugs to your daughter from me
A great story! We have one cat and she is the princess of the house!
Best wishes for your AtoZ challenge!
What an absolutely lovely story! Cutlet is a fabulous name. Enthu Cutlet would have been even better. Did you adopt Cutlet or did Cutlet adopt you?
How on earth do you manage to make an everyday story so completely interesting?
Cutlet is so damn cute
Good that u kept her with u all
I’m not a cat person at all… But this post lends so much cuteness to the whole experience! I love how you narrate your everyday experiences. Almost like I can hear you say it, although I don’t know you!
It’s definitely an original name- cute!
I knew, I knew that C would be Cutlet. She is so adorable and looks so cute in her diapers.
Such a cute one she is. How your heart didn’t melt the very first time she hobbled into your life, I shall never know!
Btw, just a matter of time now before yours becomes a dozen-cats household. Just you wait!
This is so so cute. And the diaper bit is so adorable.
Such a cutie she is!!
Getting cats happened to me by chance too. But there’re some human-like qualities in them like the cold treatment which makes them so endearing. I love dogs and cats. Your Cutlet looks super cute and content.
I’m not too much of a cat person. I find them too aloff for my liking. But they’re so damn graceful and cute
About the predicament you’re in, I can only say that once a pet-lover, always a pet-lover :d. I soo miss my dog right now
Died in 2010. Too bad my wife ain’t fond of pets.
Do drop by mine. Updated with 2 IndiBlogger entries and a poem abt my wife and kid