So now that the ‘New Year’ has settled to being ‘not so new’, and I’ve nursed my darn hangover, I decided it’s time. Time for a generous recap of The Big Year that 2014 has been. Well, every year adds to the memories in more ways than one. You always have some trophies to show off, and some bruises as a result of the hard work (or heartbreak). Every year is a milestone as it comes and goes, nonchalantly. We seem to make a bigger deal of it than the mundane tide that turns the calendar. Maybe, in a way, the affirmation is an acknowledged closure, and a cheerful farewell put together. Well, whatever it is…………….. I am joining the bandwagon. So, you better read!
2014 started on an expansive note.
Our family of four became that of five as we welcomed our second (hopefully, last) kitty. Now she has us wrapped around her paws. She is the snuggliest cat you will ever meet. She stands guard at the bathroom door when you shower, will demand your undivided attention, mew in response to a question, pick a comfy spot on your bed with you, and hibernate till the next meal. But she is such an enthu Cutlet, you can’t help yourself. I dare you.

A random status message on Facebook helped me raise funds for Milaap’s solar project. Friends and acquaintances chipped in with their contributions. They all have my gratitude and respect. A single day saw Rs 25000/- come in via Social Media Networking. The figure rose to 60k plus over a time period. My mantra could pretty much be – My name is BlogwatiG and I am not an arm-chair activist. Happy Days indeed.
I went on air.
No, I did not jump off a plane, though I know quite a few of you would willingly push me off one. Well, I was in the studio of 94.3 Radio One for their anniversary celebrations. Hrishikay was a delight. I was a bunch of nerves and barely made it by the skin of my teeth, thanks to the infamous Mumbai traffic. None the less, when you have a face for radio, who can stand in your way? We were transmitting, and that too LIVE in 3, 2, and…………… 1.
Two years of being a blogger and 8 of being copywriter, I finally got a logo and a tagline! And the best part, I designed it myself. I wanted something sassy to set the tone of my blog. No pretensions about being holier than thou, god knows I love my 500 shades of grey. Also, my dad always told me, if you intend throwing a shoe, make sure it is gift wrapped. So, all these ideas fell in place in a singular Eureka moment. Thank you MJ (May his ‘sole’ rest in peace). Yes, BlogwatiG was all set to heel the world, and make it a better place, in her sexy stilettos.
They say you never forget your first love, and I can tell you that’s true. This year I went back to my first love – stage dance performances. Twice in a row, to a thundering applause and a ‘once more’ rant, it was yesterday once more. And now that I am here, I plan to stay in familiar territory.
This past big year I also travelled the most.
Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Bali, Delhi, Agra and Gurgaon. Of course, all places had their own charm and if I am not as lazy as I have been, I might even blog about them, eventually. But the one I was happy to check off my list was Agra for the Taj Mahal. It was an unintentional trip but I am happy I made it. The visit and the crazy antics I pulled off with my bestie Ruchira Shukla (who incidentally celebrates her birthday today….yay) deserves a pictorial post of its own. But yes, the travel gods have been real kind to me in the year that went by. I hope they are benevolent in 2015, too.
The big year end saw the annual ‘Tree of Life’ makeover. I went all out as I opted for neutral tones on the walls. My bravest attempt, yet, with four kids in the family. Somehow, it worked. Everyone who has seen it says it is my best till date. And I think I agree. Don’t you?
2014 was also sprinkled with gifts.
Friends, benefactors and brands, so many chose to make me feel special. Right from books to coffee mugs, coasters to trinkets, smart phones to tablets, camera to lens, all packages delivered to my doorstep. Every time my daughter spotted a courier guy with a big parcel, she was convinced it was our home he was visiting. She’d rub her hands in glee wondering what next she could make away with. To all of them, I say thank you from the bottom of my heart. Can we have an encore in 2015? 😀
Last but not the least, the virtual world became more real, this year past. I met the maximum number of blogger friends and the influx continued the year through. And to end the year with a bang, I visited the better half of my ‘green dots’ as I call them. And if anyone ever says virtual relationships are not for real, all I can say is you’ve not willed it enough to be so. Take a chance and you may surprise yourself.
Was it all peaches and cream in 2014? Of course not! This was a bad year as far as foot injuries were concerned. Right from painful calluses to rainwater fungal infection, banging the toes and scraping the knee, I did it all. The allergies were at an all-time high, too. But then again, I like to look at the brighter side, so I am gonna quit complaining.
Would I want to do more? Of course.
Could I have done more? Definitely.
Would I change anything? Nope. I don’t have that superpower……yet. That’s why.
Having said that, I am glad 2014 happened. It definitely was my Big Year.
I am hoping 2015 will be bigger.
And on that note, have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious one, will ya?
Kya rey, I keep clicking but the blog genie does not grant me my comment wish. Bahut na-insaafi hai yeh
Oho, aa toh gaya 😛
Aaila, comment ho gaya. I love your tree makeover every year and keep waiting for it to happen. I don’t think I told you that till now
Ah, I am glad you like it. So do I….but trust me it takes all the time and patience in the world to make it different each year. I think I need something new, soon. 😀
That seems like one heck of an amazing year, BlogwatiG. And that ‘Tree of Life’ is absolutely gorgeous!
Wish you an even bigger and better 2015 filled with fun, laughter and all the good things 🙂
It surely was. Thanks Sid, me love my tree of life, too. 😀
Wish you a supersonic year as well. Rock it.
I am sure there is a very disgruntled tourist guide in Agra right now who is searching high and low for a Japanese of Iranian background.
I am so glad I got to be a part of your fabulous year ! May 2015 bring more happiness and many new endeavors and adventures for you.
I am sure he is, Ruch 😀
Thank you for making such a big part of my big year happen. I love you, but you already know that. Mwah!
Hi sweetie. Loved your roundup. Loved meeting you as well last year. But then it is the beginning of many more meetings that we will have in the coming years. 🙂 Wish you loads of success and whatever else your heart desires. Ab Bangalore anne kee baari hai. 🙂
Of course it is. I am just glad that we could connect, even if it was for some fleeting moments. Wish you a supersonic year as well, Rachna. And Bangalore is definitely on my to visit list.
that was an awesome year indeed!
happy new year!
Oh yes, it surely was Ankita. Here’s raising a toast to a bigger 2015.
A nice start and good round up of the year gone by. Wishing you a memorable 2015 sans the foot infections 🙂
So happy to share much of that year with you Janaki. Hamara Bangkok ka trip hoga……zaroor hoga. 😀
And yes, yes, yes……no foot injuries please……!
Loved the recap, and yes could not disagree on the issues that are not under our control 🙂
The Tree of life idea is magnificent and I am happy the way it has turned out this year.
Wishing you another magnificent year, BlogwatiG!
Keep rocking!
Totally, Ruchira. I realized pretty early in life, cribbing never solved any issue.
Yes, I am basking in the glory of the tree of life. It makes me sooooooooooooo proud of myself.
Wish you a super year too, girl.
Nice! Loved the tree! Happy New Year to you too!
Thanks so much Navin. Yes, I love the tree, myself. :D
Hope the new year is treating you well. Cheers!
Looks like an eventful year Vinita !! Love the tree the best !
And of course, those pics with fellow bloggers makes me go green 😛
Wishing you a great year with loads of hugs 🙂
Yup, the tree is a favourite and a well known fact, that is. Some day, Uma, you and I will share a picture frame. Life is too long, and we will cross paths, I do believe. Have a super 2015.
Awesome year indeed, Vins! Especially, the Milaap fundraiser was a wonderful accomplishment! I’m hoping we will meet one day in real-time, real-life!!
Yes, Rosh, Milaap was a success thanks to friends like you. Love you guys for that. And yes, you and I have to meet. It is written in our destiny 😀