The pressure of turning 40 is tremendous if you don't have anything to brag about on social media. It had been a good ten months since I had crossed the...
I woke up yesterday morning like millions of others to the tragic news of Sridevi's demise. And my immediate reaction was that of disbelief. She's too young to go was...
At the beginning of the school term 'Why don't you stand for School Captain?' I asked. 'Nah', she dismissed the idea with a wave of her hand. 'Too much work.'...
And a woman who held a babe against her bosom said, "Speak to us of Children." And he said... "Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of...
So, we had decided on an Instagram 13th Birthday Party for the princess. With the invites and the cake taken care of, I now had to look at the decor....
April 2015, the official year for the TEENS to be knocking on our door. Of course, the princess had been giving us a crash course on how to deal with...
So now that the ‘New Year’ has settled to being ‘not so new’, and I've nursed my darn hangover, I decided it’s time. Time for a generous recap of The...