Image Courtesy : http://www.psdgraphics.comMen might not be from Mars, but they surely don't try too hard to change the adage. If they only took the time to set a few things right, they'd...
Google ImageWhat was that? Nothing. *Bangs head*What did you do? Nothing. *Runs for cover*What did you just say? Nothing. *Ducks the oncoming argument*What's going on? Nothing *Avoiding further interrogation*What are...
Just to set the record straight, a Jaywalker is nowhere related to Johnnie Walker. In fact, it is a term attributed to those who love to walk, into oncoming traffic and...
My Princess served me coffee last evening, just the way I like it, with a smiley face!The Pursuit of Happyness is probably what drives us all. We want that ever...
Image courtesy Even as I write this, I have unknown relatives waiting to stash their millions into my bank account. Apparently, they can't trust their government and their life is...
Today, I start the A-Z Challenge - April 2013. One 30-day month, minus Sundays. 26 Alphabets. A word for each, your way. Talk about anything or leave it to the...
Oh, the day calls for a walk down memory lane, so shoot me! Google ImageAt 4, I was quite the well behaved kid. Kudos to my mom for that. However, I...
Dear Evening Stubble, Do you know why the grass is always greener on the other side? That is because no one takes the trouble to mow those lawns. But, take...