The pressure of turning 40 is tremendous if you don't have anything to brag about on social media. It had been a good ten months since I had crossed the...
It said Lucky Ali Live at Dublin Square. I almost closed the notification when Phoenix Market City caught my attention. OMG!! This was right down my alley and not in...
I woke up yesterday morning like millions of others to the tragic news of Sridevi's demise. And my immediate reaction was that of disbelief. She's too young to go was...
The board exam, three words that are the bane of every student's existence. Once upon a time, 150 students were appearing for this dreaded SSC board exam and you'd almost miss...
At the beginning of the school term 'Why don't you stand for School Captain?' I asked. 'Nah', she dismissed the idea with a wave of her hand. 'Too much work.'...
*I cussed, and then cursed my inability to be online on WhatsApp. February 19th, 2016 there was an invite in my inbox to go watch Santoor Maestro Pandit Shiv Kumar...
October 1995 Whoever names their daughter Twinkle, thought I. Then again, her aunt was Simple, and her mother was Dimple, so there you go. The girl was pretty, no doubt...
And a woman who held a babe against her bosom said, "Speak to us of Children." And he said... "Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of...