When I came back from my first blogger meet, I was blown by the women I met there. Here were so many of my species!  They loved to write, discuss, debate, concur and conclude on topics as varied as can be.  I totally wanted more of this interaction that stimulated my grey cells. I went ahead and did the most common thing that one does these days.  Indiblogeshwaris was born as an FB group on June 2nd this year for women bloggers worth their salt. 
Why the name you say? Well, BlogwatiG has a soft corner for the ‘desi girl’ outlook I guess. We are approximately 175 members strong as of date.  Our only golden rule is no self promotion. Yes, you read that right. You can’t promote your latest blog post but you can share something interesting you read.  We believe that interaction is the key and hence we post threads on topics that you can only imagine, trust me. Out here, everyone is an equal. We may differ but we don’t differentiate. We juggle but don’t judge. We gossip but don’t re-tell. We don’t only write, we also read. We are the best BIATCHES you’d ever find and there is no place we’d rather be. 

It is a forum where you get recipes for weight loss just as you get advice on marriage.   We welcome a pair of twins just as much as we celebrate women who had the courage to walk out on a man. Kids, husbands, in-laws, friends, exes, co bloggers, bosses and neighbours, we spare nobody. It is our space and is by invitation only. We’ve celebrated every triumph virtually. We’ve shared trauma with global bear hugs. We’ve chased trouble makers in a herd and welcomed newbies with a wicked smile. Indiblogeshwaris gives me a reason to smile everyday and I’m proud to be the founder.

We do a whole lot of other stimulating stuff too, even though the above is hard to beat. Very recently we had an ‘Essence of Diwali’ contest. We asked Cheryl Nemazie, director at Studio C. Design and Photography, Inc. to be the judge.  A successful Art Director and an award winning graphic designer from Maryland, USA, Cheryl is a traveller at heart. You can find her work at http://cnemazie.photoshelter.com
She picked these two as the winning entries and had this to say about them. 
All rights belong to http://bake-a-mania.blogspot.in

“This is my favorite. I love the human element. If I were selecting an image for a magazine story on Diwali, this would be a perfect image illustrating the preparations at home. It’s a captured moment, not posed, so it engages the viewer more. Compositionally, having the subject off center, with the action off to the opposite side, serves to guide the viewer’s eyes across the image. If I were to do any post-production on this image, I would vignette (darken) the background to accentuate the subject even more. As it is, her dress with the block-colors helps her stand out from the background. Nicely done” 

All rights belong to http://perceptionsofaconfusedsoul.blogspot.in/

“My second place is #14, the floor mosaic with the lights on the stairs. This is a really strong composition. ‘Triangles’ always work to guide one’s eye through an image, and this photo has them in spades! Not only that, I love the peaceful, mystical feeling it evokes, which takes me back to Diwali in Nepal. There is something quiet and holy about this composition, which I realize is only one aspect of the holiday, but such a nice one. If I were Lakshmi, I would feel as though I had indeed come home!”

And so, just like that, I thought it was time to unveil the Indiblogeshwaris before the world with a dedicated post. So here we are. Why no men, you ask? Believe it or not, sometimes, girls just wanna have fun……….with other girls. And don’t let the Joey in your head take a flight of imagination…now!

And for all the women who are a part of my life out there, I would not have it any other way. Whether we meet ever, that remains to be seen. But till then, you are on my screen, 24 x 7 and you better not say au revoir…………coz I’m not done with you as yet! 



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36 thoughts on “Indiblogeshwaris Ki Jai!

  1. Mera rumaal bheeg gaya pagli :). But happy to be part of a group where women support each other. There have been days when I have been touched by the support I’ve got here. We rock!

  2. I love this post! And I love the essence of Diwali captured by the pics. Truly a great place to hang out – Indiblogeshwari. Believe me, its the first thing I log into, sometimes I even log into my blog later 🙂

  3. Am glad to be part of that group too 🙂 Sometimes just a few mins of scrolling thru that group makes me forget the troubles around and I am all full of smiles and josh 🙂

    Thank you for making it happen !!!

  4. Awwww, such a senti soaked post on our wee little place/space. Indiblogeshwari is definitely worth its salt and even now, I have a FB tab opened which reads Indiblogeshwaris.

    Big hugs and lotsa love 🙂

    Joy always,

  5. what a lovely post !
    Thank you Vinita for creating this page … You cannot even begin to imagine how much I enjoy being a indiblogeshwaries….
    Muahh !!

  6. New to IB but had a grt welcome and got a chance to meet and make some friends too in a span of just few days ( met IB’s at indibloggers meet – BLR ). I love to be part of this wonderful group :). Thank you for this lovely post too.

  7. Oh…now this is such a sweet post…took me back to the first time I laid eyes on BlogWatiG(on the indiblogger screen) ..dont get ideas Vini 😉
    But I love how we all met and came to BE. Whats meant to be will be.
    Long live the IndiBlogeshwaris!!
    I might not be On there much…but the little time I spend there I love it.
    Thank you to thy grey matter for creating this amazing space for us.
    Lots of love,

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