"How much did you pay for this thing?" I asked my husband incredulously. And when I heard the amount I shook my head indicating my displeasure. "Clearly you have been taken for a...
I began humming this pretty much the moment I wrote the title to this post. Yes, in our part of the world the summer holidays are really looked forward to....
She was the talk of the town For she came home odd hours Not many neighbours spoke to her About her however, they freely did The tales ranged from new...
Yesterday,She glanced at her reflectionThe wide eyes held wonderShe picked her special toysThey were her secret getawayShe walked barefoot on the grassThe dewdrops glistened with joyShe played for hours in the sunTomorrow was just another...
Blogging has been accepted as mainstream e-cinematic expression. Yours truly has won the coveted statuette for a formidable online debut. And I'm making my first ever Oscar Speech! If you are shaking your...
Change they say is constantChange they say is inevitableChange they say is desirableChange they say is necessaryChange they say is forwardChange they say is positiveChange I know is difficultChange I know...
This video pretty much sums my state of mind.............. apologizing don't come easy to me. At least not the one where I mean it whole heartedly. My point being, if it mattered to you in...
Ok, so I am a tad bit behind schedule.........blame it on the conjunctivitis that decided to drop in for a visit. So I'm gonna make this a short one and will try...
The flickering flame burned with passionWith every emotional rise and fallThat moment of ecstasy is etchedBy their shadows all over the wallHe chose a different path from herShe saw him walk...