This post has been brewing for some time. I had so many things to say, and a zillion other things to be grateful for. Thoughts, particularly mine, are known to wander and jump topics. Being still is not exactly an accomplishment I can boast of. Yet, today, I needed to spell a few things. And that’s exactly what I am going to do. Check the offshoots of the mighty oak to be.
I am blessed! No, this is not one of those ‘be positive’ affirmations. It is a fact. And hence, no matter which direction I head in, I manage to cut my own path. Blogging was, also, just another one of those impulsive ventures. I simply took the plunge without a clue, believe me. That I was destined to meet an angel, I knew not. And since then, I have made my own little virtual world. Over a period of time, the virtual has become real, and meaningful. It is now a place where I have friends and fiends, both. Today, I complete two years in the journey of my thoughts and words. It feels wonderful. And I want to take this opportunity to say ‘Thank You’, to each one of you.
What I also want to do is map my journey. Know where all I have been through your eyes. I want to savour that ‘first time’ via your words. So, leave me a line, in the comments, as to how did you chance upon BlogwatiG…..and watch this ‘blogger-reader interactive post’ take shape.
Did I mention that my most fav comment might just get a ‘something special’? Ah, I did know I was missing something. Go on now, tell me how we met. Let me know what you thought. Help me discover myself, along with you. And, perhaps, we might have a story that could sell. You don’t have to be nice. Naughty works as well. Nasty is good too, even if it requires me to hunt you down and gut you like a fish. I believe in World Peace. I truly do.
So, who goes first?
Congrats Vinita…!! Keep writing for we need our BlogwatiG 🙂
Oops forgot to mention that we met on Indiblogeswari for the first time… And I love it how fiercely you protect all of us there!
Ah, Naba, you took the bait. 😀 Oh so you became a blogeshwari pehle! Wow, dekha, I did not know. And I am glad that you think I protect and not dictate 😉
Thank you for taking the time to write here.
Ah first of all Congrats and big hugs! I was there on your first post, landed there through a tweet by a mutual friend. The first time I met the lady behind BlogwatiG was through our adda, Indiblogeshwaris that was started by you. I was added by Purba there. And I also remember the first ‘spicy’ thread that I enthusiastically participated in :). I have always loved your humor and larger-than-life persona that hides a generous heart and a loving spirit. You write beautifully, Vini. I love both your humor as well as personal posts, and there are many favorites I have on your blog. I also love this wonderful girl with a lovely ringing voice I speak to over the phone who can bring a smile to my face just about any time. It has been a pleasure knowing you and being your friend. I wish you all luck and success so that you conquer many more milestones both on the blog and otherwise. Look forward to meeting you in real life soon. <3
Awwwwwwwww Rachna….I really, really look forward to meeting you too, especially after our bumpy start. 😀 Yes, I clearly remember, you were one of the few bloggers to comment on my first post. And yes, the mutual friend is just so much more than just mutual.
And Indiblogeshwaris is really my most fav place in the world right now. Thank you for being a witness to my journey and for being who you are Rachna. You are special, stay that way.
I came across you- on IB group- before I found BlogwatiG. Early days, my interactions were minimal. I was checking the place out, wondering what IB was all about. Yet, I was very intrigued with the name of the group- feisty and unrepentantly Indian. I simply LOVED that.
Then the conversations and the shares on the group. The way Janaki would quietly keep posting the funniest of the funnies… and the ‘no holds barred’ discussions with everyone jumping in with both feet. Oh That felt so awesome. The best thing? No self- promotion! One was spared the trouble of scratching any back and have one’s scratched in return. For me, it is the best thing about the group.
One of the ‘happiest’ voice in the group was yours. Opinionated and not afraid to let it hang out there. I was like- whoa! This sounds like my kinda woman. That’s when I found and read BlogwatiG.
When I began blogging, a friend taught me to read the ‘person behind the words’. After reading BlogwatiG, I knew that all your interaction on IB as genuine as could be. I’d stuck gold… 24 carat.
Then the day, when I wrote the Time Traveler post for the first TuesdayThingy. From it you knew that I was low after having lost a dear friend. You called instantly to walk with me in that moment. You were so THERE with me. I was overwhelmed. You did it, when you needn’t have bothered. You could have got by with a simple condolence msg… but that isn’t your style, is it? When you give, you give all there is, without expecting anything in return. You give because you see someone in need, not for any other reason.
Just two years since you’ve begun blogging? Wow! Already you are a star, what will you be in the years to come? The imagination boggles! But I am eager and excited. I look forward to watching you become all you were meant to be. I might have to buy one of those dark glasses that oxyacetylene welders wear, but that’s fine with me.
May the next one year be better for BlogwatiG than the best moments of the last to years. Bless you woman!
Awwwwwwwwwwww Dagny, you just love me too much, don’t you? Actually, even I can’t pin the moment we became more than acquaintances. I don’t know why I called that day, I just knew I had to. And in a way you are right when you say I do things impulsively. 🙂
I am so looking forward to that say when I can wrap you in a big bear hug. Bhavana’s posts are only making my resolution stronger. You are a wonderful, wonderful woman……….don’t ever forget that. Love you lots. Thank you for being you in my life.
First of all….Happy Blogoversary! Wishing you many more years of happy blogging…yeh bandan kabi toote na.
You asked for it…Don’t tell me I did not warn you 🙂
Well, I was initiated into the Indiblogeswaris from a friendly neighbourhood aunty. Initially, I thought it was just an other group of bloggers. Then a few of us met for the first time. Everyone was talking about Blogwati G. Frankly, I had no idea who Vinita was, that she was THE Blogwati G and also the founder of Indiblogeshwaris. Then she made her typical loud entrance and there was a place actually saved only for her! From then on there was just laughter around the table. Next we met informally…it wasn’t a love at first sight or first meeting. We took our time and now holy matrimony seems just a formality.
There is never a serious moment with you. You are crazy to the hilt and you hide your soft side very well. You have added sunshine in my otherwise monotonous dull life. You are a friend for life and I am proud of you. You have been a catalyst in my life for many things. Now, WILL YOU MARRY ME.
Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanu haan, haan, rishta pucca samjho! Sharmila Mausiji ko bol do 😛
Yes, I remember being so excited at knowing you stayed so close by. And yes, we, us, kind of grew. We took our time and that is the best part, it fell into place. I am blessed to have you in my life too! I did nothing. You had all that in you, always. Besides, you are one of the very few women I’d stay awake for 😀 Love you, hamesha! Thank you for being my cornerstone.
I loved you from the day I first saw you in Etherosphere. You were in your now familiar fiery Durga avatar, spewing fire over the noxious demons infesting a certain League of Idiots. I said to myself – Kaun hai yeh Mahila? and proceeded to reach out and learn more.
Bas, between then and now, we are a Love Story that would make Sooraj Barjatiya weep happy tears on his silk pillow.
Need I say more?
Rickie, issssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhh, tumne toh sabko bata diya ab toh? Ab hamari story kahreede ka kaun. Chalo, we will save the details for the publishers! 😛
But thank you for connecting and thank you for being one of the voices in my head, at times. If there was a list of people who I am grateful for, you definitely feature in the top slot. Mwah! Love you too, Chikni Soorat……and for all my mad conversations and fun.
Awesome! Congrats! 😀
You obviously cannot forget when you meet the good looking (̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶b̶e̶t̶t̶e̶r̶)̶ rainforest can you? 😛 (hint: key words are Nokia, Indiblogger, 2012, and you winning something something)
As you know I like to keep things short and sweet (special circumstances not included) 😉 so just want to say you’re one of the most awesomest and fun loving persons I know. Stay that way! 😀
Awwwww Adi, you are too cute……………but no, my tresses are way better than yours 😛 Of course I remember when I met you, was checking if you did. Happy to know that your memory is intact! Thank you for being the wonderful person that you are. Much love.
IB – thats where I met you.
My first impression of you – hope I am not going to be kicked for this – was that you are one First class Ladies Hostel Warden 😛 The words that come out so blatantly honest from you, is what I started admiring next. The NO-NONSENSE lady !!
And I loved the way you cheered and made many silent zombies like me to come forward and share things…you’ve helped me that way…hugs 🙂
I recently started reading BlogwatiG. And connected instantly with the happy posts – the joy that is shared in small simple pleasures of life.
Now all that is left is to meet with you 😀
Though I feel I know you like forever, I think I first met you at an Indibloggers’ meet and my 1st impression of you was ‘Wow! Heres a live volcano of happiness spewing joy and laughter every minute!’ 😀 And you have not disappointed ever since!!
Cheers on your 2nd Blogversary and am looking forward to plenty more!!
Hearty Congrats for completing two years of blogging !
I met you at the Stayfree IndiBlogger meet.Believe me, your blog was already famous by then.Many bloggers in the audience, were trying to guess who was BlogwatiG ? Few got it right.I of course, as always,had no clue !
I had read about this mad woman who had trees growing on her walls …Then I heard that she had formed a group of equally crazy women and I simply had to hop over and see for myself. And now that I am there in Indiblgeshwaris, I am too petrified of the high priestess to leave. Better to be in IB than go out and face all the manjulikas of the world!
Congratulations BlogwatiG ! Bas tum yun hi likhti raho ! <3
A huge congratulations, first of all, for making it into the Terrible Twos!! Hmmmm…..I guess I got to know about you and your blog via IB and more, when you and I participated in the A to Z challenge! Everything has a purpose; or so I’m told! ! 😛
Congrats on Blogversary. A friend added me to Indiblogeshwari and then on you were always visible, always around 🙂
Congrats BlogwatiG! Two rocking years! WOohoo!
I have to be honest, I didnt really meet you first, I met your twitter handle @blogwatiG on the Stayfree Indiblogger meet Board and was then super curious to meet the smart alec to chose that handle 🙂 And lo behold it was while you were praising your domestic goddessness that I came to know it was you.
Since then I have loved getting to know you. Ok so I’m not there all the time, but you know I’m always there in spirit 🙂
Sending you lots of love and positive vibes so that you may continue to be the sun that always spreads happy sunshine 🙂
I got to ur blog thru Purba, I think…but i remember reading it for the first time. I was intrigued by your veil! We had a conversation about ur blog’s lay out also. Little did I know that you will surpass all ur blogger “seniors” in a jiffy! 😉 (I finished 5 years on 15th Feb)
Honestly, even now, when I know “Blogwati G, the person”, I wanna remain intrigued by your alter ego! That’s the charm of your writing!
Good luck Gee and please write more frequently…
It was at the Indiblogger meet that I first turned around to see who Blogwafi G was and well from there we just took off and never turned back ! Congrats V …keep smiling ,spreadindg cheer and most of all,keep writing ..
J aur tumhare rishte ko mausi ki manzoori hai basharte ye jo tumari roving eye hai usse control kar sako toh !! <3<3
I agree Sharmila…issi thread mein kitne logon ke saat setting ke hai Vini ne.
Many congratulations for achieving this Vini….and it has been lovely to know you.
I first met you through a common friend at Neutrogena blogger meet and I had not really read any of your posts before I met you. After that I guess I went to your blog and tried to know you more and understand you a bit more. I know you personally now and am glad we crossed paths 🙂 IB is a great platform to interact but I’d like to believe I know you beyond that.
Hey Vinita
baby you are two
god bless you
about to be 5
made to feel very old by you !!!
As my absent-minded self I really don’t remember who made me a member here. Frankly though I have participated in some fun posts I do still feel like the outsider sometimes, like that transfer case student who joins a new school in a new city mid session.
But you girls are fun even to just observe from the sidelines. hoping to find some matching wave lengths. keep going !!
Look what you’ve achieved in just two years. Babe, you are now a force to reckon, the best friend one can hope for. They can either hate you or love you, but they just can’t ignore you.
Mwah <3, sorry, I took so long to leave my comment.
Hey, Vinita ji!! Happy Anniversary and heartiest congratulations for successfully completing two years in blogosphere and that too with aplomb!
We (Hetal and myself) met you at an Open BAR organised by you and that was where we thanked our fortunes that we met such a wonderful (read full of energy and smiles) person.:) Hope your blogging journey continues forever and ever 🙂
And yea I still miss that Lemon cake! So when can I expect it to be devoured again?
My first time here and obviously a great occasion! Congrats on 2 years of blogging and finding your angel. Hope this journey continues for many years more…
Hellos Her Highness 😉
I was added to IB a year and a half back by a blogger friend and that is where I met YOU!
I still remember that one phone call you had done to me after reading some “stupid status update” about me and the laughters you had ensured after that. IT could only be YOU to do that. Taking something so damn critical ( or that’s what I thought!!) to it being so silly ( that’s the way you made it sound!!) is something only Blogwati G can do. I also remember that warm hug I was met with at our first in person meeting at Mumbai making me feel more than welcome.
I can just say I am proud to be a part of IB and have met you there for you define strength to me in many ways. You remind me that there is much more to life than just cribbing and complaining. I love the way you pamper me (Yes!! I feel that :)) and also the way you become a strict momma whenever in need.
And yes every time in trouble I remember your pic in that superman costume and think I have a super friend so I don’t need to worry…. !!
Heartiest congratulations for turning two wishing you many more such joyous years to come ahead <3
Hugs and love
I heard of a blogger named BlogwatiG and that she had a nasty bite. I thought, “Huh, can’t be nastier than mine!” and went my merry way. Then I met you on IB and it did not sink in that you and BlogwatiG are the same till a month or two later. I still stand by my opinion, “My bite strongest!”
Yeah, bring it on!
Heartiest Congrats To The High Priestess…
On Having Turned Two, And I’m Speechless!
How We First Met – It’s A Tryst Seven – Month Old…
The Ladies’ Independence Special Was A Tuesday Thingy Bold!
I Had Started In April, And The Sphere, For Me Was New…
Got To Blog About My Entrepreneur Nieces – All Thanks To You!
Fascinated About IndiBlogeshwaris, I Went Out To Search For You…
On IndiB, The Search Displayed – BlogwatiG – Was That You?
Headed To Your Abode, Dear BlogwatiG – High Priestess At IndiB It Said…
I Knew I Had Found A New Friend, The Women Of Tough Stance You Led…
The Free Spirit, I Chose For Myself – Joined IndiBlogeshwaris, You Know!
Since Then, Many Thingy’s & Fables’ – The Christmas Elf, The First Post On The Blog – And How!
Wished You For Your Birthday On Jan 2, Vinnie Girl…
Witnessed Your Home, The Tree Mural, #BlogwatiGSmiles & Milaap All In A Single Swirl!
Well, That’s How My Journey’s Been, With IndiBlogeshwaris & BlogwatiG…
Celebrating With You, Your Two Much – Yes, Yes, That’s Me!
Heartiest Congratulations On Having Reached Two Much, Vinita…
Hope You Witness Many More Milestones, Too!
~ Poonam. 🙂
Hahaha like really u wanna know where we met.. aahhh I understand with tiara tinka cutlet.. n Julian around u getting old.. does ankur maternity clinic ring a bell. … lol congratulations muuuuhhhaaaa
Hi Vinita, I really do not remember my first moments with so many of the blogger friends. Their writing, their style of presentation, their stories – they just grew on me and the next thing I knew, I was hooked on to read as many posts as I could from all those people who interested and inspired me and my writing. — Vinita, I do not know you personally but, I read all the above comments and they all say one thing – you are a very special lady who is an individual in her own right. — Congratulations and good luck always.
the theoooooo cake !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love the website btw … but cant get my head off this theo cake lol ..this one is btw my fave ..triple choco !!!