I decided to participate in the  #100HappyDays Challenge and share the picture story on my blog too. And so here I am with happy stories to show. Come, have a dekho! My personal hashtag is #BlogwatiGSmiles. Yeah, it’s all about ME!

Ok, statutory warning. Cuteness overload.


Well, it’s been a nippy Saturday morn by Mumbai standards. The household was just waking up from their slumber to the last working day of the week. My cook walked in, all covered up, as though she’d just trekked the Himalayan Range. And while I was discussing mundane matters of the menu, magic happened. Cutlet snuggled into Tinkle’s basket. I don’t blame the kitty. Mumbai and winter, in the same sentence, sounds odd. Tinkle, at first was skeptical. Then she moved a bit to make space. She turned her face to ignore, yes, she does that. And just like that, in the next instant, she was welcoming Cutlet into her home, our home, in the one way she knew how. With a sniff, a lick, and a soft purr……………..*heart melting moment*


Thank God for pets. Thank me for charging the camera battery. Thank God for little acts of random kindness. Thank the daughter for making us see it once in a while. Thank God for blessings of a family. Thank the husband for letting us keep this one? *Innocent question*



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